Fri, Feb 14, 7:55 AM CST


3D Studio Max Transportation posted on Jan 18, 2004
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Thanks for all of the C&C at my previous M3. Here are two renders - a GI version and a non-GI version. I build a simple scene for my M3. The GI version was rendered with Finalrender, which took 10hrs to render. By contrast, the non-GI image, like previous post, was illuminated by standard light, and rendered with default scanline. It only took 15 minutes to render. C&C are welcome.

Comments (42)



1:48PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

wow cool renders;)



1:52PM | Sun, 18 January 2004




2:13PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

excellent car in excellent render! great modeling!


2:22PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

excellent modeling car


3:08PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

Nice model!


3:52PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

WOW! I did a BMW, but it didn't look as good as this by a long shot. I love the headlight details and the fact that you put an interior in this. both renders look good also, but the GI one looks much better. It just has a more "real" feel to it. This belongs in a car commercial...The 10 hours was long but worth it.


3:57PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

Very good modeling and texturing !!


5:08PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

sweet love the environment


6:45PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

nice car!! :)


7:32PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

Excellent job Kenny!! I know the work it takes to make these look right. Great job on the wheels and lights. Glad to see you put the tyre valves on the rims too. People usually forget those. Well done!! Mike :o)



9:52PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

I have to vote for the GI one, the subtle realism is enough to put it over the top. You probably know, however, that FinalRender is quite slow at calculating GI, and you probably could have achieved the same results with Vray or Brazil in a fraction of the time. That being said, this is most impressive. Congratulations!


10:20PM | Sun, 18 January 2004

Thank you very much for all of the C&C!


12:02AM | Mon, 19 January 2004

I love them both Kenny! Modelling is superb as is the render. Only thing I can't quite put my hand on is why the tyre closest to us of the 1st pic seems to float a little. Maybe because of a lack of shadow at that place? On the other hand... I wouldn't be able to pull this off in a lifetime :)



12:20AM | Mon, 19 January 2004

WONDERFUL JOB! the top render is very nice and so is the scanline render too. Nicely done. try brazil if you have a chance, I've gotten some nice renders with it - 50 min max for large size renders. Great model man, thanks for posting this.

Lon Chaney

5:39AM | Mon, 19 January 2004

Both renders are great. The car paint and chrome look better in the GI image.


6:05AM | Mon, 19 January 2004

Fantastic, the only criticism I can give is that it is so realistic you should have just posted a photograph and saved yourself some time ;-)


9:20AM | Mon, 19 January 2004

Excellent work, dont know what else to say. one more thing, why cant I rate it??



9:38AM | Mon, 19 January 2004

Unbelivably nice work again. Fantastaic. It brings some warmth to the BMW fans heart. BTW, i liked the non GI, it was somehow more realistic, its probably because of the enviroment.



1:10PM | Mon, 19 January 2004

This is absolutely superb, I wish I could do this but since I cant Ill enjoy yours. This is a 10+ thanks kennyliu


10:40PM | Mon, 19 January 2004

sweet man, awesome model and great renders,...


3:29PM | Tue, 20 January 2004

Incredible work. Fantastic modeling & rendering.


6:19AM | Thu, 22 January 2004

Hey another great work kenny :)


11:32AM | Sun, 25 January 2004

Thanks again for all of the feedbacks:) The image has been updated a bit, which the shadow was corrected.


11:22AM | Tue, 03 February 2004

wow! superb.... iragadesavu mama ( great work )



4:05AM | Wed, 04 February 2004

Wow, excellent work Kenny!!! Amazing modeling and texturing and lightning! Love your scene-setup!



8:53PM | Fri, 13 February 2004

Just amazing! If I didn't know different, I'd swear these were photos. Excellent job, Kenny!


12:56PM | Sun, 22 February 2004

amazing model!!


6:36PM | Mon, 23 February 2004

Sweet model and render my friend!



4:26PM | Wed, 25 February 2004

superb rendering, the GI model is vastly superior, but that's personal taste, I see them around alot, and they are very sexy automobiles. Only comment from a graphic point of view: I think the backdrop and floor textures distract from the sleek style of the rendered vehicle, I wonder if a more subtle flat or neutral colour would emphasise the scene by concentrating the viewer on the car? Excellent job once again!



9:09PM | Wed, 25 February 2004

WOOW great work kenny , WELL DONE

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