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Bryce Science Fiction posted on Nov 13, 2003
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Ok, i

Comments (71)



3:03PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Is that a McDonald's sign I see back there? Super dramatic lighting Rudy and worthy of a vote!



3:05PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Beautiful image Rochr. This is a breathtaking scene and it's so full of detail, excitement, and life. Definately gets my vote. 8)



3:08PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

You know, I really hate you! How on earth do you do this!!?? That'll be my desktop until the next one then. Obviously a v. I agree with everything that is to follow this comment.



3:10PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

"A new life awaits you in the Off World Colonies..." You never cease to amaze me Rochr. Outstanding work. I'm downloading Universe Image Creator now.


3:10PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Excellent work. Voted.



3:11PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Very Nicely Done!



3:12PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

wow!what a massive sense of scale you've created here,


3:18PM | Thu, 13 November 2003



3:19PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Just another great picture with lots of mood


3:22PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

very well done. very atmospheric; like always!



3:23PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Have you been called up for film scene work yet!If not I quit!!Well here another vote ..its all Ive got!See ya Rudy:-)



3:23PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Beer.... Whiskey... great image....


3:25PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

It looks like a pic from our not so distant future! Perfect lighting and scene



3:29PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Magnificent piece of work.


3:37PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

It looks like Rudy's work, It smell like rudy's work, It taste like rudy's work.. Well It's Rochr!!!.. The thing I appreciate a lot with you is that you got a real visual signature, take it as a real compliment because IMHO only masters of art got this. BTW this is not my favorite image of yours but it's still a great pic and Well you could have been the designer for "blade runner II" Why don't you try to work for the movie industry as a digital mat painter? ps: If you play the music like you play with bryce.. I can't wait to hear something you have made !


3:41PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Awesome detail! Every time I look at this picture I see more! I'm speechless!!!!!



3:44PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

oh yes, a fantastic work !!!



3:53PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

I don't like McDonalds, but I love your picture :))



4:01PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

...and you made another masterpiece, as usual, Rudy! Superb cityscape: it does definitely have a "Blade Runner" feel (love that movie). Great perspective and depth, great signs, walkways, lights, colors, blurred foreground and.... everything :o) I really love that sense of immensity. What else...? Uh, my VOTE, of course :o)



4:02PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Scale & detail, depth & lighting. Another great vision Rudy!



4:23PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

love it!! the size and scale is epic, and the rochrish (yes, its a word now) atmosphere is nothing less than amazing!!! excellent job, and is that a mcdonalds i see back there?? keep it up rudy!!



4:29PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Awesomne Image man, Love that Mcdonalds add in lol


4:36PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

So Bladerunnerish it makes me cry! You're a genius!


5:08PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Its stunning, and adding the mcdonalds sign was a stroke of greatness, because it adds realism, even tho I hate megacorps. You're a master of your genre but you know that. ^_-



5:23PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Beautiful in a dark dingy sort of way. well done and thanks!! for the wip postings in the forum. Insight is always welcommed (and enjoyed)


5:58PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Most excellent indeed! In a perfect world you would be the top man for the digital map painting they say above. Hopefully a door may swing open. What I love most about this one is its sense of scale. How those crazy huge buildings in the background actually look it. Like Pidjy said, you do have that brilliant mind for visionary detail!


5:59PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

incredible image as always!so talented v


6:22PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Wonderful scene, it is a little reminiscent of Blade Runner"! Amazing how many details you put into this!


6:33PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Wild, I'm just taking in all the marvelous detail. I see McDonalds! Sweet work :-)


8:07PM | Thu, 13 November 2003

Ooo, I love the pov on this one, draws you into the detailed background, nice use of focus on the sides to do that. Amazing all around.

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