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Digital Comics (none) posted on Apr 08, 2003
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pencils by ej su color jtron

Comments (19)



8:12PM | Tue, 08 April 2003

I think I dont like your message, nor do I like its implications, but from an artistic point of view I really like this picture. Hope you dont feel offended. Just my 5 cents :P


8:18PM | Tue, 08 April 2003

I like it :-)



8:27PM | Tue, 08 April 2003

dude you rock. awesome job. no opinion on the subject (i dont find it offensive) but either way this is way cool. thanks for sharing.


9:09PM | Tue, 08 April 2003

great job implications or otherwie keep rocking ...are you finally working in comics professionally?


9:13PM | Tue, 08 April 2003

i like the image alot i don't care for the message probabl could have done with a different flag maybe a new one or something but smazing pic keep it up


9:17PM | Tue, 08 April 2003

ok, i'm glad you guys like the pic, thank you! i changed the title to avoid any further misunderstandings. it was a line from TF the movie, maybe bad timing? the image was completed last summer, and was actually drawn for 9/11, so it has nothing to do with this war!!


9:19PM | Tue, 08 April 2003

why is holding the star spangled banner offensive!!! shallowminded fucks! slamming work (as usual)... we keep missing each other on msn :(


12:21AM | Wed, 09 April 2003

Really cool pic and I don't really see why anyone would find this offensive either.



4:00AM | Wed, 09 April 2003

Amazing as always! And if people find holding the US Flag offensive, they need to grow up (and get out of the USA if they are living here). I think this image is beautiful. Well drawn and brilliantly colored. And the meaning I get from it, makes me proud. Never make apologies or excuses for your work, Jtron. (I really hope you and your drawing partner get into the comic business as a career, if you are not already...your skills are sure top notch!!


6:10AM | Wed, 09 April 2003

I think that there is a lot of messages that can be certainly read into this piece whether intended or not.

First off, going back to the 80's when Transformers were cool and originally came out, patriotism was very big. Look at the GI Joe market, A-Team and what-not. So the message could be more of one that longing back to the 80's, a longing of childhood, when the US was good, and evil was well-defined.

But then there is the idea of Optimus holding the flag, and not another one of the autobots. What does Optimus transform into, a Semi-Truck. Truck drivers, and truck driving is about as American as Apple Pie, and the Western Cowboy. It's almost more of an iconic status. But even more, truck drivers and cowboys are the essence of America. Not the politicians in Washington. So you could see Optimus as being a heroic icon for America the People, not America the Country.

Unfortunately, I didn't see the original title, and certainly didn't read other's opinions before forming my own. But I think the piece is fantastic, and the message feels almost nostalgic, and very warm and dear to my heart. And yes, I remember back in the 80's when I was a kid, knowing the Decepticons were as evil as the Red Commies in Russia. But now Good & Evil is not so well defined. That's what I miss now.

Sorry for the rant.


9:36AM | Wed, 09 April 2003

I love this pic and everything it could mean. Implied or otherwise. Funny how the "Pro-peace"ers are always the ones being confrontational on the subject. I always thought this was a place to state wether you liked a piece or not or offered advice. Instead, it's become a place to "make a statement". You know what? Here's my statement... I support the war and the troops fighting it. Liberty or death. I wish I coud have seen the original title. Peer pressure is an amazing thing sometimes...



11:21AM | Wed, 09 April 2003

Excellent work!!! I'm offended by the offended people...Don't change a thing!


12:03PM | Wed, 09 April 2003

It is interesting to note that I never see a German flag hoisted with such pride. VOID should keep his nickel.


12:13PM | Wed, 09 April 2003

it's a good colouring - EJ Su is the man! dude - he's done the sweetest painting tutorial if ur interested! lol if ur offended by this then never ....ever watch american idol or anything on Fox for that matter!



3:33PM | Wed, 09 April 2003

I've done a similar pic involving Captain America. The pic shows Optimis preventing the Flag from touching the ground. The look of the flag shows that even though America has gone through a LOT (and still is) we shall NEVER FALL! The Colors REaLLY bring the image alive! Keep it up, Both of you!


7:55PM | Wed, 09 April 2003

Great art, as always!



11:04PM | Wed, 09 April 2003

Excellent job.



1:33PM | Thu, 17 April 2003

Oh all characters, this is the best character of all time standing there with the US flag!! I salute you for this!!


10:06PM | Fri, 16 May 2003

You are a teacher, relamente an amazing work and worthy to surprise anyone, my congratulations, you have much ability and talent =)

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