.overload. by Giana
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so you can probably tell that sci-fi really isn't my forte, but i had fun
trying to figure out how to turn Abby into a pseudo-mech. she
actually has a fair amount of sci-fi stuff in her Runtime, so maybe
i should try to do more with that, at least on occasion...
please be gentle in your assessment, or not... heh
many thanks goes out to E for the assist - such an inspiration, and
why this image was created in the first place...
PP2014 & PS
~thank you for viewing
Comments (8)
Wonderful, love your lighting
thanks so much, Tom. i wasn't wholly sure if i was hitting that scifi 'vibe' or not...
poser4me Online Now!
Way cool congrats on the lighting and everything. Excellent.
aw, thanks so much, esp. coming from the master of the emitting, well, anything, cause yanno, sheep and stuff ;)
What a cute image! I agree that the light is very well done! Cute character and the little drone pod thingys are adorable! Love it!
very sweet of you to say!! i do hope you are feeling as best as you can these days! :))
what a beautiful image. loving the colours. beautiful artwork! x
thank you so much!
i'd respond with some cute emoji of my own, but apparently i'm too stupid to know exactly how to go about it! lol. so i'll just say thank you :D
Super !
many thanks for the feedback!
midinick Online Now!
WOW! This image is really good.. you also have good eyes for scifi ^^
thank you! i'm glad you like it :))