Hidden Trail by DustRider
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"Queen Ixchel stood on the edge of the hidden trail, her eyes scanning the dense foliage ahead. The sun high in the noon sky, casting shadows that danced with the whispers of the forest. Her warriors, a formidable force of skilled fighters, followed behind her. Queen Ixchel had led her warriors through the winding trail, their footsteps barely making a sound on the forest floor. The air was thick with anticipation, every rustle of a leaf or snap of twig heightened their senses. This trail was known only to the Amazons, a secret path that wound through the heart of their realm, leading to the secret tunnel to the outside world. The safety of their realm depended on the success of their mission to ensure the caves hidden entrance had not been compromised."
I got The Jungle Crossing by Stonemason with the idea of creating an image like this incorporating some of Strangefate/Roguey products and the sword from the Xocoyotl Weapons Collection. Great high quality content can really help to inspire creation of an image.
The greatest obstacle was having three G9 figures in the image (with a total of 4 textured geoshells), As well as some fairly complex hair models and the main character having 8K textures. Thankfully, Scene Optimizer made it easy to keep everything within the 16Gb limit on my GPU. I also wanted most of the metal parts on the main figure (Olive by Pendragon with EM3D Merci skin) to be gold, rather than silver. For many of the pieces I had to modify the base textures in Gimp to change the metal pieces from gray/silver to reddish yellow/gold.
The main lighting is an outdoor HDRI with the sun at about an hour from noon, with several spot lights for fill and rim lighting. Minor post-work was done in Gimp to adjust levels, add a bit more "fog", and add vignette.
I also wanted to render the image larger than I normally do to show the exquisite detailing and realism of the products from Strangefate and Roguey. The body paints and the cloths on the main figure are all their products.
Thanks for stopping by!!
#FantasyArt #AmazonWarrior #Jungle #JungleQueen
Comments (12)
Fantastic work!
As I can see, there are lovely women in the jungle. Great job.
Superb fantasy image, a great work as always!👍🙋♂️
..real great fantasy scene
ein fantastischer Render
so amazing of a character.
Fantastic work here, and that full-size is spectacular! Excellent work!
Super !
bugsnouveau Online Now!
Great stuff, wonderful light
spdskool Online Now!
Superb atmosphere and rich dynamic characters. Aces.
Outstanding. I've been trying to create something similar for months and failing.