Thu, Feb 6, 8:11 AM CST

Challenger under full steam

Poser SteamPunk posted on Apr 24, 2023
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The Professora, her companion Brittany, and confidante and patron Lady Penelope watched the dolphins cavort near the steam submersible, Challenger, as it sped forward on the surface. "The best is yet to come, my dear friends!" the Professora declared. "We shall be submerging when we reach the latitude and longitude where I believe lies the ruins of Atlantis!" Molly's art notes: Set up and rendered with Poser 13.0.296 and tweaked in Photoshop. The people visible in a group on the deck include the Professora (V4), Brittany Van Ritter (S3), Lady Penelope York (V4), Captain Lilly Blossom Otakama at lookout (V4), Captain Brock Morrison near the bow (M4) and four sea men scattered about (all M4). The ocean is by Shaaramuse3D. The dolphins are in the legacy content included with Poser, the sky is by Flink. The submersible steam ship Challenger is a model from Turbosquid imported into Poser. Wake and smoke were pulled out of other products. I love content by Shaaramuse3D and Flink for water and sky; now I need someone to do some wakes for all my water pictures with various craft! A note on the characters of the Professora and her friends: this character is based on a character I have played in Second Life and the others are based on characters by my friends there. This group of characters has appeared here Renderosity at least once before and can be found here: Arrival in New Babbage

Production Credits

Kriegsmarine for Universal Sailor
$10.50 USD 30% Off
$7.35 USD
Flinks Sky 2 - Dramatic Skies
$19.90 USD 30% Off
$13.93 USD
Photo Props: Water Effect Maker
$14.95 USD 30% Off
$10.47 USD
3D Scenery: Ocean Effect Maker
$12.50 USD 30% Off
$8.75 USD

Comments (16)


6:05PM | Mon, 24 April 2023

love it ! :)


9:13PM | Mon, 24 April 2023

Thank you! I appreciate the comment. I do loves me some Steampunk! XD




10:05PM | Mon, 24 April 2023

Love the water movement with the ship and reflections. Always good work.


9:53AM | Tue, 25 April 2023

Thank you, my dear! The ocean system by Shaaramuse3D is excellent for a big scene like this. I recommend it. =)




1:30AM | Tue, 25 April 2023

Splendid boat and scene - and very sharp details!


9:54AM | Tue, 25 April 2023

Thank you so much for your comment. The new Superfly Cycles X rendering engine does a GREAT job. =)




1:38PM | Tue, 25 April 2023

Exceptional !


5:03PM | Tue, 25 April 2023

Thank you so much for your kind comment! =)




9:30AM | Wed, 26 April 2023

What a fancy boat! the dolphins are delighted.


9:46AM | Wed, 26 April 2023

Thank you, my dear Anne! I've wanted that boat for a long time and finally managed to import it into Poser. I'm delighted you find the dolphins to be fun; they're very old legacy content that is included at no extra cost in Poser, I think.




2:32PM | Wed, 26 April 2023

O...M...G!!! That submarine absolutely rocks! You did a fantastic job on it, Molly! I may have to stroll over to Turbosquid and look around - it's been a while.


10:13PM | Wed, 26 April 2023

Thank you so much, Rod. Stuff there is kind of pricey but they had a 50% off sale and I was on that like white on rice to get this very cool steampunk submersible. You'll be seeing it again, I'm sure! XD




11:14AM | Fri, 28 April 2023

Your newest image is simply wonderfully done dear Molly, no more words needed!


12:31PM | Fri, 28 April 2023

Thank you, Ute. =)




9:05AM | Sun, 30 April 2023

Gorgeous composition, Ms. Nemo!😊💖🥰
Impressive composition, outstanding brilliant awesome renders. Exquisite Artwork. I love it!


11:58AM | Sun, 30 April 2023

Thank you, Marius!




7:49PM | Sun, 30 April 2023

Fantastic images of the steampunk submarine! Love the sea life cavorting near the main attraction! I'm wondering how they can keep the engines running under water though? Fantastic images, Molly! Great looking works! Bravo to the tune of 10!


9:07PM | Sun, 30 April 2023

I'm thinking that the boilers have to shut down or be heated my electricity from storage. Captain Nemo's Nautilus as described by Jules Verne was an electric boat so I imagined this would be something like that. Submarines of WWII had something similar: running on Diesel power on the surface while charging batteries and then running on electric motors when going deep. Heh. It occurs to me that these wonderful machines were all hybrids; take that Toyota! XD




9:57PM | Sun, 30 April 2023



9:55AM | Mon, 01 May 2023

Thank you! I appreciate the comment! =)




12:19PM | Tue, 02 May 2023

Awesome job on putting this all together. Very cool and inspiring render. Love the storyline as well. Keep up the great work. Yes, you are correct, diesel for surface running and go to electrical for submerged whether battery or in modern times, even nuclear. You can have all sorts of un with Steampunk. I've created physical paperwork ephemera for fictional airships based on actual records of steamships I found in one of the national archive repositories, when I lived in Kansas City. I was huge into Steampunk for a while. I love living history and love(d) doing "pocket filler" and other tangible items that cosplayers could use to fill out their character.


12:43PM | Tue, 02 May 2023

Sounds like you are very talented and knowledgeable in general but particularly about this genre, so your praise means a lot to me! Thanks. I adore pictures of Steampunk cosplayers. <3




12:49PM | Tue, 02 May 2023

If you haven't discovered them yet, Abney Park is a fantastic Steampunk band that has been around for years. I got to meet them when I was vending at a steampunk convention held out in San Francisco, many years ago. I think you'd probably like their music. Thank you for the kind compliments.


1:31PM | Tue, 02 May 2023

I am a HUGE fan of Abney Park. I have never seen them live but have enjoyed videos of them performing. I adore their music and their look. Long live Captain Robert and his merry band! =D




5:38PM | Sun, 07 May 2023

Nice! Thanks for pointing me at ShaaraMuse3D's Ocean Effect maker ... and that ship looks fantastic. I love the appearance of the water over the submerged portion of the hull ... and the vessels wake effect is top shelf. Really cool!



9:10PM | Sun, 07 May 2023

Thanks, Sydney. I really enjoy your work so I am delighted that you found one of mine worth a comment! <3 The Ocean Effect Maker is really excellent (as is pretty much everything by ShaaraMuse3D). The wake is made up from wake effects from a lot of other content (Steam Launch by Cybertenko, for instance) and a bit of postwork. I am dying for some talented content provider to make a Wake Effect construction kit or some such! XD




3:27PM | Sat, 13 May 2023

Your citing your assets is always a pleasure as you choose good ones. I could use the Kriegsmarine uniform myself but it's Poser....

Always assumed that steam submersibles would require turbines rather than triple expansion engines on account of weight but they'd have to be oil fired or life aboard would be h--l....

Batteries when submerged? They had that figured out by Edwardian times so not impossible :)

Yes, like sci-fi, steampunk makes us all inspiring engineers. Yesterday I couldn't spell 'engineer'. Today I are one :)

Always good stuff Mollz!


9:42PM | Sat, 13 May 2023

Thank you so much, JD. You might drop a note to Robert (Cybertenko) about interest in the Kriegsmarine uniform and the Universal Sailor set. He's been converting a lot of his content to work with DAZ Studio and G9 (I believe he has converted the Universal Sailor Captain already). He did some costumes recently for DAZ that I was hoping he would do for Poser but he said he's done with Poser clothes although he'll still be making props for it. =(

OK... we'll go with a steam turbine (even though I like all those pistons and things)! ;-P

If I had to be a real engineer and everything I had in my art was plausible from that respect... well... there'd be a lot less art! XD



JoeJarrah Online Now!

1:44PM | Mon, 04 September 2023

Love this - that sub is glorious! sorry it passed me by!

I hear your plea for wakes - i have not yet found a half decent product in DAZ, be it static poses or particle modelling add-ins; you've done a great job here. I am still having to resort to photoshop most ot the time....


4:01PM | Mon, 04 September 2023

Hey, so nice to hear from you, Joe! <3 Thanks for the lovely comment and I'll be sure to let you know if I ever find a decent wake product. I do need to make some more pictures with "Challenger"; perhaps submerged? You can't see it well in these images but there is a little exploration submersible stored just behind the boilers that I'd like to use in a picture. =)


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