He Brought Me Roses by Flint_Hawk
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This didn't start out to be a Valentine's picture, but it evolved on its own.
Happy Valentine's Day! I appreciate your stopping by to look at my work!
HiveWire Big Dog by ChristopherCreek Art & CGCubed-HiveWire3D at Renderosity
Greyhound Morph by Sparky at PhilosophersEgg
Coat Colors for the HiveWire Big Dog Set 1 by Flint_Hawk-HiveWire3D at Renderosity
Lisa's Botanicals - Potted Palm by Lisas_Botanicals at Renderosity
Bouquet of Roses by deckorator at CG Trader
Terrains by Pewter7 Free Art Resources
5 Beautiful Antique Frames by HannaK at Renderosity Free Stuff
db Ai Backgrounds 7 by dbwalton at Renderosity Free Stuff
db AI Backgrounds - Chaise Lounge Series I by dbwalton at Renderosity Free Stuff
Comments (14)
It is a wonderful Valentine image.
Very nice! So sweet!
What a delightful Valentine Day scene it’s very original and elegant !!
Love the idea and work.
very creative idea and exceptional render
I went into a store today and a lady had bought a bouquet of roses. when she tried to leave the wind was so strong it blew several pieces off
Adorable, fun and wonderful creative piece!
starship64 Online Now!
This is wonderfully cute. Nice work!
Superb romantic scene, wonderful environment and lighting, great poses and expressions, brilliant render.
Magnificent Masterpiece of Finest Arts. I love it!
Love the way they are looking at each other, lovely image.
Aw, this is so cute and sweet! Beautifully posed dog couple :)
Ein wunderschöner Render
That's a very very nice composed image, I also looked at all your last ones that look great, but for reasons you know, unfortunately I can't comment on all of them. I wish you and yours a peaceful weekend!
A lovely couple!
Very nice, and good job posing the dogs.