Eepo and Blumi by kelchris3
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Comments (6)
eekdog Online Now!
way toooooooooo charming. so cute and fun.
Sweet and charming scene, though the gal's hairstyle and way of dressing are very different!
Happy New Year!
You really took Eepo to the next level here! I love the leafy outfit and radical hair. <3
Giana Online Now!
ok, everyone just needs to stop using all these cure Nursoda figures...a girl can only afford so much lol
i really like that touch of pink countered by all the green in this...
This is another really a beautifully done image, unfortunately I can't comment on all your recent artwork because it takes too much of my strength and I hope I can recover it at least partially after my Rhea cure. Just for your information, for an animation it takes me between 1-2 days to get it so that I can upload it, but then I have to rest again for a whole day.
kelchris3 Online Now!
You just rest when you need to hon. I love when you can share your videos and images :) They really make me smile! Take care of yourself. :)
Love it :-)