Fri, Feb 14, 12:27 AM CST

Morwenna - Wind Warrior

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Jul 25, 2022
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Somewhat copycat render, at least not particularly original work :) - Lately, I've seen some adds for games on Facebook (though I don't play games!), featuring a smashing fantasy ranger female, 3D renders it appeared. I made some research and found the outfit used (the "Wind Warrior Outfit" at DAZ). So I decided to have go at it. As so often before, I asked myself "Can I do it?" IMHO I think I could :) DAZ Studio/iray render, with finishing touches in Photoshop CS.

Comments (7)


6:57PM | Mon, 25 July 2022

Excellent work!



7:25PM | Mon, 25 July 2022

exceptional realism.



10:10PM | Mon, 25 July 2022




12:10AM | Tue, 26 July 2022

Great image! Love that outfi!



10:37AM | Tue, 26 July 2022

Think you could too. Saw the ads somewhere - neat to know where the armor was sourced.



2:39PM | Wed, 27 July 2022

Excellent work, I find game promo films a good source of inspiration, its a bit old now but I've been trying to do the elf character in Blur Studio's "The Elder Scrolls Online: The Alliances" (YT video) for years and failing badly but gives inspiration. If you can find it their 2014 demo reel had some nice effects too but as they are a VFX house rather than CGI so I don't know how much is genuine CG and applicable to what you want to do.



12:50PM | Thu, 18 August 2022

I am not too sure how much of a successful warrior she will be, with both of her femoral arteries exposed! One good slice there and you will bleed to death in under three minutes.

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