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Russia Love

DAZ|Studio Portraits posted on May 05, 2022
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You are always told what or who to fear.You are always told who is good or evil.Think about these things and ponder them wisely. Only your chosen otherworldly Gods can judge what is or is not. None of which reside here in this physical realm in which many tend to forget. One natural law exists that cannot be argued within this physical realm and this law is universal "If anyone's life is put into danger or any life threatening situation then they themselves have the right to defense, by any means necessary,even if everyone else may be against them". May the world ponder the true meaning of peace, and not fall prey to the politics of it.

Comments (4)



6:55PM | Thu, 05 May 2022

Before the meaning, the second and third front. COOL PIC!


4:58AM | Fri, 06 May 2022




12:31AM | Fri, 06 May 2022

" by any means necessary..." A disturbing thought. But a beautiful image.


4:59AM | Fri, 06 May 2022




11:28AM | Fri, 06 May 2022

I fully underline the comment of A_Sunbeam. But I'm not sure if "self defense" means "invading", I'm not sure, if "self defense" means draging those in this misery, who didn't do anything at all (say killing innocent civilian) and I'm also not sure if "self defense" means, being the aggressor and if it doesn't go as planned, considering one self being the Victim.

Neutrality, probably is one form of putting self defense, and self defense only to the highest goal of one's actions. No revenges, no intruding into foreign territory, but just defending the own things from being killed or destroyed.


3:46PM | Fri, 06 May 2022

Hi! I believe everyone is entitled to their opinions and lets also say I am well cultured. I did not write what I did to induce rage,anger or any thing of the such.I only wrote it to induce thinking upon what goes on around the world. Such as why do people have hate towards certain cultures? or why do people have a phobia against certain political labels or peoples?. Do they even know why? have they been to the place that so many fear? or is it because it is simply what they are told?.

"In my opinion and knowledge" Russia has every right to defend itself. Yes defend itself, if you research outside of mainstream politics and media you will find that Ukraine and Nato has broken many agreements with Russia. Not only that, but they have surrounded Russia with weapons pointing right at them for awhile now. Then we also have a certain type of regime that was formed in the Ukraine that many countries fought against for the sake of the world along time ago. This regime has killed many Russian men,women,and children over the years. We also have the American bio labs in Ukraine as well that breaks treaty laws among others. This is only some of it you do not have to take my word, just research it if you want to get some truth.

America has invaded many countries in just 22 years alone one may want to check the last time Russia did and or why?. In my own mind I believe everyone has the right to make their own decisions and to seek out knowledge. Until the people of this earth can rule themselves,to not be ruled by others and to seek out true peace, war will always be. Until then all we can do is use our minds,gain knowledge,be content and hope for the best.



5:52PM | Fri, 06 May 2022

I will leave this right here considering what I have had to put up with posting this art in several places. Discrimination- The act of discriminating.The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment.Treatment or consideration based on class or category, such as race or gender, rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice.

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