We are very proud to announce the winner of this months "Artist of the Month" - Ute Reichling [UteBigSmile]. Ute received nearly twice the number of votes from the Renderosity community for the Artist of the Month. She is a highly regarded artist and friend to many in the community. Ute works primarily with DazStudio and in Mixed Mediums, as you can see in her gallery. She is a talented and imaginative artist who creates evocative imagery which is often infused with themes of fantasy, science fiction, folklore and domestic scenes from history. Ute has contributed an astonishing 3,457 digital artworks since joining Renderosity in 2005.
Renderosity 2015 Artist of the Year: UteBigSmile
I'm very happy to announce that after a week of voting Renderosity members have overwhelmingly chosen UteBigSmile as the Renderosity Artist of the Year! Ute is a strong member of the community having posted over 3,000 of her artworks to Renderosity galleries since she joined in 2005. She was chosen "Artist of the Month" for June, 2015 and works primarily with Daz Studio and Mixed Mediums. As you can see from the video she created of her 2015 artworks (see below), UteBigSmile is a talented and imaginative artist. Renderosity congratulates her on being chosen Artist of the Year for 2015. My private Homepage:
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Comments (17)
Was die beiden dieses WE wohl alles anstellen werden?
So wie's ausschaut nix gescheitetes, bloß herumlümmeln!
Wonderful image my friend love the detail :)
So many lovely extra elements here.
Sehr schön.
Looks like another fun place to be, fantastic scene and beautiful characters!
I love your characters and details! Excellent work!
Thank you my dear Roula, I hope you are fine!?!
I don't know if they are 'chillin'! They both look pretty 'hot' to me! LOL! Love the kitty! and everythin else! Bravo!
Looks like they are watching a movie. Excellent!
Cute and fun. They look happy at home. Good relaxed poses and sleepy kitty.
I love your scenes!
Oh wow 😮
What a beautiful casual setting .
The gals look beautiful and very relaxed.
Their little kitty is a beautiful addition.
This has a great mood to it; the room feels genuinely lived-in with all the clutter and bric-a-brac. Nice!
And they even saved me a seat! I'll be right over! LOL
A wonderful and warm scene, Ute! Super work!
Saby55 Online Now!
Very beautiful! Great image here and I love all the details. A job well done my dear friend 👏👍🙋♂️
Na, die Beiden lassen es sich gut gehen. Faulenzen muß ja auch mal sein.
(I'm only skipping images so I can comment on a representative sample of your recent work...I loved the Zuri images, I just haven't comment on them yet...)
Your light her is like pure silver, or platinum. The scene has a silver glow. And the two young women are dessed beautifully, and they have great hair. They almost look like pixies with thos ribbons in their hair. You always put a great selection of objects in your interiors. And I love the portraits on the wall: They're paintings, but they're also graphics---in fact, the picture on the right has an Andy Warhol feeling. A wonderfully lit and relaxed image.
Smile, your eyes are still very good, you can see everything what others does not see!