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Imagine 3D Realism posted on Dec 18, 2002
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Well here's my," indoor decoration, ornament. pictures or paintings on a wall, sculpture, house plant, flowers.."for Manuel's last challenge.Unless someone else jumps into the fray I will likely come up with a 'theme of the week',but may well make it a bit more complex and allow 2 weeks per challenge. The focus of this render is the ashstand,a copy from memory and a few crummy sketches I did when it was still in my world.Broken and gone ,product of a drunken stupour in the 'bad ol daze' when I drank poison,it lives on in my memory,and now in the virtual world.Y'all remember the banker's lap,put it in for added interest and the cabinet is one that goes all the way back to my Miggy daze.All procedurals with the exception of the scallop wall paper which was too nice to resist.Thanx RJJ once again for the wonderful RJJPlanks.itx,and the new wood on the floorboards,which are modelled on the one's in my house by adding lines and extruding.The ashstand was made in a similar fashion,but quite a bit moe work involved.The actual ashtray is a blob object.

Comments (3)



5:39PM | Wed, 18 December 2002

i really did mean banker's lamp...lol


10:54AM | Thu, 19 December 2002

I like the scene. I would have chosen another camera angle for this picture format but this is your artistic choice :o) I like to use the wood and planks textures too but it need lots of anti-aliasing and render time.



5:26PM | Thu, 19 December 2002

mostly that's the angle i remember seeing the ashstand at, so i guess i yielded to a semi-mental moment.thanx for your comments,and all the effort you've put into getting Imagine into the public eye.As a side benefit it has aided me in a trying time,to think outside the box.Re:TheImagineImageContest @coolfun,both Mike and Conny,passed all the necessary stuff on to an IMLer named ric jeffries i think,you might write to him about what's happening with the stuff they sent him.He may want to pass the official torch on to someone suitably motivated with the time to do it.

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