Tue, May 28, 9:04 PM CDT

Adult Fine-Eyes Male, version 1980

2D Character Formulas posted on Oct 08, 2019
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FRANÇAIS C'est une étude de "race". Voici ma version illustrée au crayon d'un mutant yeufin adulte mâle. Les propositions corporelles ressemblent aux Chinois et ils ont environ la même grandeur. Par contre ils ont des traits différents au niveau du nez et des yeux : -Pupille allongée verticalement avec l'iris blanchâtre qui se confond facilement avec la couleur de la sclérotique. -Grands yeux au contour quasi rectangulaire -Nez fortement aplati avec une arête angulaire, absence des "ailes du nez" et absence du philtrum. -Poils courts faciaux qui forment un pourtour en "U", sur chaque pommette. -Ils sont imberbes et ils ont les cheveux droits, comme les Japonais. ENGLISH It is a "race" study. My drawing version of a Fine-Eyes mutant has a similar body appearance as a non-mutant; he has the same typical body proportions, but slightly smaller, like a Chinese. The differences are mostly in their eyes and nose features : -Vvertically elongated pupil, without visible iris. -Large squarish eyes, -Straight hair like the Chinese, -A nose with a sharp middle edge but flattened. Next Ionivka's page, tomorrow. WHY I CANNOT SLEEP WELL? If you want to sleep, do not read what follows. Apocalypse has started since almost 2 centuries; we are living the slow death of our civilization. What happened to the Third World, will happen to us, the Western World. Be prepared for hardship, violence, kidnapping, wars, environmental destruction, family destruction, betrayals, dystopia, and so much. The new barbarians are coming, they are well paid by the globalists who has planned to enslave us under a lower status than cattle, since more than a century. A high proportion of what seemed to be "accidental" events, like wars, have been more planned than we are aware of. What follows is a tiny sample of undercover and unreported activities. The world history that we learned at school is indeed a propaganda narrative. Our wake-up will be brutal, when reality hits us. THE Zl0NlST PEACE PROBLEM by Know More News https://www.bitchute.com/video/tFuwnH6vruA/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFuwnH6vruA Why More Riots Are Coming Soon by Paul Joseph Watson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z2Sah4PlmY 1666 revisited - robert sepehr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU9f9beo-_A Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. Very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666, proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin. His Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. The Bigger Frankism Cover-up The Sackler Family – A Secretive Billion Dollar Opioid Empire by ColdFusion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGcKURD_osM Published on Jul 27, 2019 With over 200,000 deaths caused by Opioids, it's important to look at how this tragedy took place and who's behind it. In this video we look at the Sackler family, the family that has caused untold damage to the lives of millions for their role in the opioid crisis through their company Purdue Pharma. Do your research; you will find, precisely (their names, their group), the enemies within; the ones that we cannot criticize, but the ones who are actively and methodically killing the Western Civilization (you will find their deep motivations). They are ultra rich globalists and they are psychopath narcissists. A billion human lives mean nothing to them; they want absolute power : they can judge and they can execute anybody else without trial ... like absolute kings used to do. These globalist have infiltrated various charities, then weaponized them for the purpose of creating division in the society. Take, for example, the various feminist movements, they are now become activist groups against men (against their "toxic" masculinity), especially white men (they want to feminize and weaken men). They also want to reduce the women’s fertility rates of the Western countries. Why does such a thing is happening? You know why. The same is true with black people movements, climate activists, immigration activists, social justice activists, etc.; they finance them and infiltrate them for creating chaos in all western societies. This is how, they make war against the Western Civilization. When we will have become too weak; violent actions will be their next move; that will come sooner than you think. All what seems illogical, but that is happening anyway, can be explained by that great anti-western plan. A plan of White’s replacement : the Kalergi plan. EXPLOSIVE SUBJECTS. Before denying these as "conspiracy theories,” do your own research. Avoid using Google for your search; its results are purposely misleading. Instead, use https://duckduckgo.com/ We have been lied since WW1. All our institutions (including religious institutions) have been infiltrated by subversive agents. Our history has been rewritten with fake facts. Our children are indoctrinated to hate the western civilization, their own family and even themselves. Our universities have become the schools for studying communist doctrines like intersectionality, political correctness, etc. The globalists own most politicians, news media, banks, companies, universities, foundations ... almost everything of value. Even Wikipedia has become their propaganda medium; I do not trust it anymore, especially about history and social facts. The globalists are gaslighting us into believing that Whites are INTRINSICALLY racist. It is urgent to wake up, before becoming slaves, and viewed as cattle. We are living the Apocalypse since about 1850 : a slow destruction of ALL civilizations. We will go back to the Dark Ages : a few aristocrats (the psychopath satanic oligarchs) who are controlling the life of the population who have become indoctrinated hopeless and soulless slaves. All slaves will live in hyper dense cities, in tiny cubicles, like cows in industrial farm. Hell on Earth; worse than the so-called climate "crisis," worse even than the biblical "hell." Most slaves will live like lost demons in globalist-controlled satanic cults, disguised as a global organized religion. The few slaves, who will keep their contact with their soul, will have no time to rest; in constant terror, they will be chased relentlessly; by all means, the globalists want to kill our soul : what makes us human, what makes us noble ... and immune from the toxic effects of global tyranny. These are the one who will be "chosen" or "saved" ... from hell on earth; happiness under terror. But all that will come slowly, like the rust formation on a piece of iron. With time, we might get used to such tyranny ... we might even like it (like the Chinese population; it gives us a sense of security), but our soul will be dead then; we would have become inhumane. Think about it. This is why I have lost the ability to sleep properly. Our sabotaged civilization Titanic is sinking ... slowly, in the middle of the cold communist ocean, without lifeboats and without a safe land anywhere, but everybody is dancing and drinking on that sinking ship, not in the mood of listening.

Comments (6)



8:31AM | Tue, 08 October 2019

Wahoo !!!!!!!!!!!! 😟😟😟 Très préoccupant mais que pouvons nous y faire ? 🌟



11:14AM | Tue, 08 October 2019

Super drawing.



12:18PM | Tue, 08 October 2019




5:40PM | Tue, 08 October 2019




8:06AM | Wed, 09 October 2019

Beau dessin Marc, il me fait penser au livre "Le petit Prince" sauf ce celui-ci n'avait pas de couteau dans la main! 😁



3:08AM | Sun, 13 October 2019

sacré coup de crayon

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