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This ends .... now!

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Jun 28, 2019
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"Danae is surprised when her mentor shows up in her den unannounced. But she is even more surprised to find out that her trusted mentor is in fact her enemy, sent to ensure that this gifted young student never completes her training. However, as her mentor is about to find out, Danae's is already much more powerful than expected." I did this during another very brief bit of free time about a week ago, and did this to relax a bit. The only post work was to adjust levels a bit, and and a touch of unsharp mask, and add the sig (all in Gimp) all of the FX were rendered using Iray. The only light source is the default HDRI for Iray in DS, plus the tourch lights in the scene (modified to the proper intensity) and the "spell" prop (which is an old prop with 3Delight shaders that I converted to Iray shaders and modified to get the proper effect). The base figure and texture set is Danae for G8F with a lot of custom morphs and shader tweaking. Most of the outfit is Y'vas for Aeon Soul - I really love their stuff, i only did very very minor shader/materials tweaking (just to adjust colors - their shaders are always awesome). I also used two SY Fast Fog plane props for a touch of fog/smoke in the scene (cutout opacity turned way down). I was going to add a couple of rim lights, but I really liked the way the lighting looked without them, so no other light were added (though they probably would have improved the image quite a bit). The image was rendered DAZ Studio Beta V4.11.0.382 using Iray. Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Comments (15)



3:24PM | Fri, 28 June 2019

Great fantasy and beautiful creation !



4:06PM | Fri, 28 June 2019




4:08PM | Fri, 28 June 2019




4:24PM | Fri, 28 June 2019

This is superb, great looking character and the lighting....and the fact you've rendered out the main lighting effects...takes real skill....and understanding.....just quality image and render....very well done indeed...!!



5:43PM | Fri, 28 June 2019

Like the effects and mood of this, the ( student's not bad either! ) 😀



5:48PM | Fri, 28 June 2019

wonderful scene and character - excellent



5:55PM | Fri, 28 June 2019

Teriffic fx and action pose. Most creative.



10:27PM | Fri, 28 June 2019

This looks great. Her expression matches the story. Very well lit and I like the fact you did the fx in the render and not as a postwork. Wonderful work !



1:06AM | Sat, 29 June 2019

Great extraordinary personage,excellent light!!!


8:42AM | Sat, 29 June 2019

Amazing render!



7:05PM | Mon, 01 July 2019

Excellent work!



2:43PM | Fri, 05 July 2019




9:42AM | Sat, 13 July 2019

Impressive, excellent work 🌟



2:41PM | Fri, 02 August 2019

Stunning work!



12:34PM | Tue, 03 September 2019

Magnifique travail ♥

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