Fri, Feb 14, 3:53 PM CST

Domino Lady

Poser Illustration posted on May 08, 2019
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Celebration of pulp heroine Domino Lady whose stories once graced the pages of Saucy Romantic Adventures 1936. Thanks for looking. Still extending the life of Daz V3.

Comments (7)



2:49PM | Wed, 08 May 2019

WOW. She really looks great for such an old broad! (heh) As always, the little touches are there: the lace, the jewelry and that little embellishment at the bottom (if this were real life, I'm guessing those would be rhinestones or some kind of applique) and the clever way you posed her eye to look off to the side. It really helps convey a sense of quirky mystery and adventure. You really nailed it with that shade of brown – I have several paperbacks that use almost that exact color. It was very "in" for a time. Although I do like the background elements, I would almost like to see a little more of them or have them help convey something about some of the stories. But that's just me.

I'm really captivated by your aging and background treatment. You make it look as though you scanned or photocopied this book! That's really clever.

All in all, another hit, my friend!



10:01PM | Wed, 08 May 2019

Pretty cool cover work ! Mysterious she is.



11:58PM | Wed, 08 May 2019

..perfect "classical" cover art



10:03AM | Thu, 09 May 2019

Excellent render and post work. This could pass for a photo of an actual pulp paperback, which says a lot as the art on those covers was often excellent. I would not have guessed this was V3.


4:58AM | Sun, 12 May 2019

Thanks for the appreciative comments.



6:10AM | Thu, 16 May 2019


Your image has been chosen for "Poser Staff Picks" of the week!! See the whole list


Boni and the Poser Staff


5:17AM | Sat, 25 May 2019

Thanks so much Boni

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