Sat, May 11, 12:15 AM CDT

Panterra The Hunt

DAZ|Studio Comics/Cartoons posted on Dec 10, 2017
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"Shall I tell you a story about the past, or the future? Will it make a difference in the good and evil in the world? Will it give me back all that I have sacrificed? Will it make any of my sacrifices matter? No. I will instead tell you who, or rather what, I am. I am a hunter like the great cats whose blood courses through my veins, I am a warrior and a soldier created by science to stop a weapon they created. I have no love, no kin, no home...I have my pride and they have me...we are all that is left of our world. Hurled forward in time to face the horrors of the future only to find our greatest accomplishment undone by happenstance. The weapon I thought I destroyed...that I was created to destroy, yet lives only now he has the resources of this time to wreak havoc unparalleled in the annals of history, but he is no raving madman any longer. No he is sane and calculating now, meticulous and clear of mind and purpose, and the destruction of the planet Earth is all he desires. He hates me and hates this world though the ones who instilled that hatred have been gone for over two millennia. I will never know peace until he stopped, my tigress will never have my heart until he is stopped...we will never know happiness until the day I place his head upon a pike and know for certain that he is not coming back. The world my pride and I are in is one of advanced technology and powerful magic and there are so many ways he can slip through our we must never stop hunting him...The Self Proclaimed "Man Eater" is more dangerous now than ever before. And until he is dead and buried I will never know peace and can never rest. While I may be a man out of time but I my DNA has been engineered so that I adapt whole life has been engineered up till now. I can see in the deepest darkness, I can hear the heartbeat of my foes as I stalk them from the shadows. I can even smell their fear as they cower behind false bravado. I can even tear steel apart with my bare hands but...this is all there is for long as he lives. I have sworn never to take a life where I can prevent it but Man Eater's life has long been forfeit. When we next meet I will try with all that is in me to tear his still beating heart from his chest, and show it to him before death takes him. The past, the future...neither matters. So long as he lives I can never have a life beyond the hunt.

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