Thu, Feb 13, 3:37 AM CST

UltraScattered tropical island

DAZ|Studio Sea/Undersea posted on Sep 02, 2016
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I amused myself and learnt a lot with this image even though finding the correct place for the tuna replicator was a pain in the neck! This is my first image with UltraScattering script done by Howie Farkes and served me as a practical lesson. I started with a terrain made in Carrara and imported as obj, my 'Aguas profundas' sea with no displacement maps but Normals used as Cath showed us, a couple, one in base bump another in Top coat bump. Palms and palm bushes are from a couple of very old sets by Lisa’s Botanicals. They were great but too heavy so I opened them in Carrara, untriangulated them and exported as objs again into DazStudio reinstalling their shaders. Half the weight in polys. I started to UltraScatter them over the whole Island which was too big and too steep. Trees grew perpendicular from the normal giving a very unnatural look and never seemed to cover the terrain on view till I learnt Rotation - uncheck Align object to normal and learnt that I could rerun the script changing only that. I learnt that there is a node called iRay Section Plane with some nice properties; all what is in the scene behind one of its faces will not be “seen” nor computed by the render engine. Here I used three of them parented to my render camera. That trick allowed very fast render times. I learnt about the radius part in the selection tool under the Geometry Editor to paint and create shader domains in DS. No more exports to Blender or Carrara to do it. I created morphs in Blender for that great Sailboat meant to be docked, what a luxurious interior, WoW, made by Mely3D. Following Sickle Yield tuts I made a morph to hide those damn buoy defenders no proud sailor would ever sail with them deployed. En plus I had a lot of fun in the forums. Hope you like it

Comments (4)



2:21AM | Sat, 03 September 2016

Delightful image !!



7:20PM | Sun, 04 September 2016

Thanks giulband, it was a hard task but I'm proud of it



6:27AM | Fri, 16 September 2016

Incredibly well done! I wonder about this plugin! I I in DAZ Studio, but my English is very bad to translate what is written in the tools! I could not find any tutorial video about, it would help a lot!

Thank you for sharing your image and experience with the plugin!


3:58AM | Thu, 06 October 2016

Muchas gracias! Muito obrigada! Merçi beaucoup! Can i help you with your language? I am Spaniard



12:15AM | Fri, 21 October 2016

Gorgeously relaxing and oh so beautiful.


4:10PM | Fri, 28 October 2016

Thanks a lot Artform!

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