Mon, Feb 10, 9:38 AM CST

twelfth night.

2D Seasonal/Holiday posted on Aug 20, 2016
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this is an experment of a big painting I doing. I just had an idea so I did this small painting 9x12 inches. the story is that the cajun of old had to wait intill twelve days after christmas to have christmas as they was still fur trapping. I do not know if this is a true story but it was told to me. I do know they was catholic and on the twelfth night after christmas they had a big party where they all dressed up in costumes . Someone ask me to paint a christmas image so i am. i told them if they want santa claus best get someone else

Comments (37)



10:23PM | Thu, 25 August 2016

That sounds like an Acadian myth from waaay back. It sounds pretty legit.



7:30AM | Mon, 29 August 2016

It's a very intriguing work of art you made here, Jock!



1:08PM | Mon, 29 August 2016

Fantastically well done my friend !!!



12:58AM | Sun, 04 September 2016

great work



1:31AM | Mon, 05 September 2016

Cool experiment and result.




3:03PM | Tue, 18 October 2016

Fantastic art..



9:23AM | Sun, 25 December 2016

impressive as expressive also, makes one asking questions, very special artwork, cool ;o))))

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12 96 14

Photograph Details
F Numberf/4.5
ModelNIKON D800
Shutter Speed10/1600
ISO Speed100
Focal Length42

Premier Release Product
Gothic Room for Daz Studio
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Top-Selling Vendor Sale Item
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