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Blender3D World Events/Social Commentary posted on Oct 02, 2015
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I would not involve myself too much of what does not concern me, or that far, but seen from here, it's scary! Après le pin, le pan ! d'Oregon Blender (models & render)

Comments (9)



10:35AM | Fri, 02 October 2015

Great political cartoon (image)!!! Wonderful render. 'Nuff said!!!



11:04AM | Fri, 02 October 2015

Well done bit of nonsense.



2:16AM | Sat, 03 October 2015

Very well done!



2:59AM | Sat, 03 October 2015

Nice composition, but I keep up on the science involved and the science does not support gun control. Unscientifically lets look at England. Under the Victorians no gun control and against the law for police to carry guns. Crime drops because of sustained moral leadership and social reforms. Gun control instituted in early 20th century from fears of communist and socialist revolt. After 100 years of Gun control in England an Island nation with a relatively homogenous population, police are probably going to have to start carrying guns because of armed criminals. Gun control is failing in England and England is a much smaller nation with less diversity than the US. In the US, firearms violence tracks exactly with the square miles in each state. The larger the state the more firearms violence. This is because size tracks with history with larger states joining last and smaller states joining first. History correlates with culture and ethnic diversity. States with similar histories like Texan and California have identical rates of firearms violence even though California has about the most restrictive firearms laws in the country and Texas has about the least restrictive. I graphed all of this and lots of other variables decades and I keep up with the science on the subject. The science says that gun control laws do not have any effect. If people really wanted to do what science says you should do to stop shootings like the recent one, they would be encouraging responsible gun control. That is the best real science on the subject.



7:36AM | Sat, 03 October 2015

Que dire de plus... cela fait partie de la vie (mort) américaine et je ne pense pas que cela va changer!!!

Ta composition est vraiment superbe !!!



12:01PM | Sat, 03 October 2015

Si certaines images ne sont pas rasoir, d'autres font mouche et c'est souvent grâce à quelques talentueux modeleurs qui laissent traîner leurs œuvres tels des cadeaux offerts aux amateurs de souris 3D. Le rasoir en était un parmi les tiens...quelque part, et cela tombait au poil !



5:01AM | Sun, 04 October 2015

jolie façon de présenter ce que représente la vente libre des armes. J'aime bien cette idée. Excellent travail



12:16PM | Sat, 30 January 2016

This is a very beautiful and very nice!



4:09PM | Mon, 21 June 2021

I love the NRA. You apparently don't know what they do.

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