Tue, Feb 11, 7:04 PM CST


Fractal Alternative posted on Jan 27, 2015
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Mandelbulb3Dv1.8.9 / PS9 Messin around....Finally had the Orthopedics evaluation on my Hip at the VA yesterday, in technical terms the Doc said "Your Hip is Shot"....so tell me something I don't know....well I didn't know a Hip Replacement through the VA was damn near impossible and I want to know why....to be continued Anyway....Thanks for the L@@k Mandelbulb3Dv18{ g....Uv0..kZ4.../....IA...ERuQ/Mw05wz01bOFxXauzDl6cV5ZU/6zvaQ6x/CT/..pCW5Y3Sltxj ................................wnRmLO6cO.2........Y.dgY0...............w.2...wD .....6....EM/.../MU1/...........u/...2E3.....EC5B8Iq2klD/.UXu6jD..251xckpl1.J.EC .7EnAnID12../2EnAnAnAnggzAnAnAnAnpyDOaNaNaNaNz1...........U0.....y1...sD...../.. .zHnAnQDuo4KzR7UowXg2CE57SAkycUZESjhrkiDy0MU3EWhwufEXxMV.F6BzgQyw5jsDlhjx2.kGDFH gvPnwPeCKczqyciLYWWSzFnDU.....Ytw/........kAnAnD.U....sD/MG..................... .............ckpXm1...sD....zw1....................................ao6zDC....k1. .....Ksulz1.......kz.Q5W6WEH.o/.W....Q....UE....I....U.....C....z....QZ1...UJG5Q ...U.KIF3RTF3JISHPp.7gJH0/..kc..Deda..kuvBTuCfvj6sVMLcIsxzX............A8.kXOe7. .odIWOorVy9.eCfYMj5zz0...........6HFzjgMo............s/..................../..lz QGaC...R8oXa8KyD.qhBKRN...2.nBMX8BpwzE.2csTWGt0..21b97e.IzH56QQ9riM../EZK4DtX9wj AIE3zzAMk...t33osoAmz0k7SeeF//.E..mDaCOl0z1...8cU0.cU08mpO0cU08.U08c6zJHU08c..8c UWQ1m/8cU0.cU08mHE5cU08.U08c6zWRU08c..8cUWwFs/8cU0.cU08mEd5cU08.U08c6H3TU08c..8c UWQPy/8cU0.cU08m...cU08cee0cU08cIJ3cU08cwy5cU08c0RICUUKObV46fJKSUQ4PjRb9e/rN.... E6...A..V2E.....I....o....kIkVKNmJKG4B3.4B3...........................U1C.U1BoE1 06E./.....UKaNaNaNalzcNaNaNaNC.EnAnAnAnQvz1aNaNaNat2.5NvwxHBSdxD........kz1..... ...wz.........zD........kz1...................zD........kz1........wz0.........E .....................2.....3....A....AJOZ75Q6Z4PWJaQo/.......................... .....MU/4MU/4........cNaNaNatT.E........kz1........wz.........zD................ ..........................................................2........wz........... ................................0....E/..../....TBINgFLOXpoPYJ4................. ................................CnAnAnAnG.QzzzzzzzztzcNaNaNaNKzjOaNaNaNadz1..... ................................................................................ ............................................} Don't forget the Dec/Jan Fractals Challenge, deadline for entries is Saturday Midnight We are all Connected December 2014 Showcase

Comments (17)



11:40AM | Tue, 27 January 2015

Very cool and awesome design Lenord. As allways amazing artwork....love it.



12:17PM | Tue, 27 January 2015

Superb' fantasting lighting Len



2:04PM | Tue, 27 January 2015

excellent image Len



3:37PM | Tue, 27 January 2015

Looks fantastic,wonderful work***



4:02PM | Tue, 27 January 2015

Super amazing looking structure Len. Fantastic colors, lighting, depth and details. Aw hope all ends well through VA. Thankfully all our Medical Surgery's are covered by the Canadian Government.


eekdog Online Now!

5:49PM | Tue, 27 January 2015

schtuck indeed! really like the reflection and tones.



6:14PM | Tue, 27 January 2015

Uh-OH, Len's on the warpath! Is that schtuck in the middle with you? You have really mastered this program!



8:27PM | Tue, 27 January 2015

Fabulous work Len! I wish you the best with the VA!



10:47PM | Tue, 27 January 2015

A fascinating piece of work.



11:44PM | Tue, 27 January 2015

Fantastic image, lighting and reflections, Len. Oh man. I really hope they can find a way to help you, Len. Corrie



8:12AM | Wed, 28 January 2015

The reflection looks pretty spiffy, but a new hip would be better and hopefully you'll get one...fingers crossed ! Good luck & ~Cheers~



9:08AM | Wed, 28 January 2015

Amazing as always!!!



10:47AM | Wed, 28 January 2015

great reflection in the sphere



3:58PM | Wed, 28 January 2015

Fantastic image! With the VA you have to keep at them. Don't take no for an answer. Apply over and over and over.....



10:39PM | Sat, 31 January 2015

Great atmospheric effect!!!!! I had a hip replacement three years ago, and I jus t got the bill, when i opened it i nearly went bersek. It was worded to seem like i owed $ 25,000. Someone screwed up the insurance section. I owe zip, except they want $ 200 for odd anmd ends. They'll have a long wait. Imagine i was charged $64 for an aspirin bottle. Greed marches on!


11:09PM | Sat, 31 January 2015

Wow I love this bear, keep growling to them bout the hip.



11:41AM | Mon, 02 February 2015

man this rocks....had to FAV

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