Thu, May 16, 8:40 PM CDT


Photography Animals posted on Apr 19, 2014
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Rico is a Blue Fronted Amazon parrot, one of two that I keep as companions, my other is a double yellow headed amazon, who is about 6yrs old, Rico is still a baby, I believe his hatch day just recently came and went, so he is about a year old. Both parrots are banded and legal, purchased in the US, they are wonderful birds - NOISY BIRDS - but I love them, they can speak over 100 words and phrases, they copy me, my kids, my husband, my other amazon even sings opera. If you ever find you really have the time in your life for a companion parrot, Amazons in my opinion are one of the best to invest into. They will entertain you - for life. =)

Comments (8)



10:56AM | Sat, 19 April 2014

Such a great photo!



12:19PM | Sat, 19 April 2014

I'm a parakeet guy, but have friends who have parrots. They (the parrots ) live a long time and may well out live their human guardians, which is why I resisted the urge to move up to them. Also, this is a darn fine photograph.



2:08PM | Sat, 19 April 2014

absolut perfect done! dark picture for a b/w but it fit great, beautiful bird and very clear portrait and i do like the Canon cap! great! 5 + :-)



3:45PM | Sat, 19 April 2014

My friend has a Parrot and his Wife showers love on the parrot as she would with her childen! lol



5:57PM | Sat, 19 April 2014

How cute this is and what a fantastic capture...perfectly done.



8:08PM | Sat, 19 April 2014

I see you've trained him to carry your lens caps around for you - very convenient...



12:28AM | Sun, 20 April 2014




5:35AM | Sun, 20 April 2014

Wow this is stunning Susan. Well done for sure. He is so cute, too. My mom raised birds years ago. She passed away in 1998 . She raised Parakeets, Finch and Cockatiels. She also had this little Parrot (he looked like this one:;_ylt=AwrTcXd4oVNT8H4AP4yJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzMnV2amJ0BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM5ZjBhMTI2OTM2MTcxZTVlNGQ4Yzk0NjI5ZGU4MDYzMgRncG9zAzMxBGl0A2Jpbmc-?∋=96&no=31&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11khm9p2p&sigb=13ju1gouh&sigi=12ug1p46j&sigt=10ugq7eji&sign=10ugq7eji&.crumb=nuWhBinG8c9&fr=uh3_my_web_gs). He used to sit on my son's chin and pick his baby teeth when my son was about 3-4 months old. I have a photo somewhere.LOL Anyways, he would get very noisy especially if someone came to visit or is my mom was on the phone. So my mom discovered how to shut him up. She leaned the broom handle against his cage and he wouldn't make a sound until she took it away.LOL. She only did this when my mom was talking to someone and she had to make him be quiet....

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