Tue, Feb 11, 9:56 AM CST

Caught Up In the Moment

Poser Fantasy posted on Jan 05, 2014
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Xurges' fine outfits, and MRL's girl Tiffany along with SAV's Yannis's textures and 1980's hair and Semiramis Hair thanks for the peek

Comments (58)



11:07PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

Bigger is Better, so they say... zoom.



11:11PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

Cool poses and characters!



11:21PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

It is definitely a very dramatic scene, well composed and lit. The dramatic mood too is excellently conveyed. The costumes are great. I must confess tho, that I am not entirely certain about what is going on or why. In some ways, this intrigues me since each scenario I come up with has flaws to the interpretation. I guess, now that i think about it, this makes the image all the more interesting.



11:24PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

Nice work Seth.



11:39PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

Superbly done!



11:41PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

This is so unusual and has such atmosphere and use of color. Very artistic. I love it :)



11:49PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

Beautiful posing and really fine characters. A fine job.



11:53PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

ok, are they lovers just having a moment, or was her intention to kill him thwarted by his ruggedly handsome looks? it really is an interesting scene, and do wish you had made a little story to go with it, because trying to figure out what's going on is going to BOTHER me :) in any case, that pose combo is so well done...also nice work with the lighting and atmo...you must have a little rocket of a computer to be able to handle not just one but two SAV hairs...



11:59PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

nice work Seth :) redheads are prone to over reacting ;)



12:25AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Very good scene! Excellent work!



12:32AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Ваша работа завораживает. Очень мастерское исполнение. Браво!



1:01AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Fantastic in zoom! Splendid composition! :)



1:07AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Great moment! Excellent scene! Very nicely done, dear Seth!



1:16AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Fantastic render! The posing is absolutely amazing!



2:02AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Wonderful work



2:28AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Superb background and atmo, fantastic characters, a really stunning image, Seth!



3:37AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Dynamic scene, superb characters and BG, I love the mood, excellent, Seth !



3:39AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Excellent work



3:52AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Wonderful image!!!



4:36AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

wonderful atmosphere!!!!!!



5:45AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

beautiful poses and composition. Superb use of the fog for the background.



6:48AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Well done!!



6:48AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Very romantic scene. I hope she does not cut off his head, Seth!



7:10AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

great pose and character, wonderfully done atmosphere - excellent



7:29AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Love the moment of attraction and always a beauty for the eyes . ((5++))



8:17AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

great job on that atmosphere and posing of models, Seth. the interaction between them both is super my friend. always enjoy the enlarge on your images..



8:23AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Beautiful poses and ambience. I love images that spark the imagination and make you contemplate what the story behind the image is. I'm thinking two strong willed people with a love hate relationship.



8:29AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Looks like a cover for a Barbarian romance novel Great scene



9:45AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

Excellent! The ZOOM really lets you see all the details. I love the colors of the people against the gray background.



9:50AM | Mon, 06 January 2014

I like the mood on this one, very nice work my friend!

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