Sat, Feb 8, 7:54 AM CST


Fractal Fractal posted on Nov 11, 2013
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Apo and PS Hello, old friends ;)

Comments (25)



11:44AM | Mon, 11 November 2013

fantastic work with fractals!!!!!!


9:47PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

Thank you!



11:46AM | Mon, 11 November 2013

splendid come back with excellent texture ! good choice of colors.


9:47PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

Thank you! I so look forward to again seeing your beautiful images. :)


12:24PM | Mon, 11 November 2013

Masterfully done!


9:48PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

Thank you, Ron :)



1:51PM | Mon, 11 November 2013

Hello Nancy! So good to see you! Beautiful image and nicely realized.


9:11PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

(((Linda))) :)



2:00PM | Mon, 11 November 2013

Welcome Back. Your work is still beautiful.


9:09PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

Thank you so much. :)



7:33PM | Mon, 11 November 2013

That is so beautiful! I've definitely missed your wonderful creations, it's great to see a new one once again. My first thought when I saw this was of flowers, followed closely by thinking of the way a chinese dragon so often coils back and forth around itself. A dragon-flower-vine? Beautiful creation that evokes so many things!


10:03PM | Mon, 11 November 2013

It's been such a long time. I'm more than a little rusty, to say the least. But, thank you all, for the lovely comments and encouraging words!



11:48PM | Mon, 11 November 2013

Beautiful! Gorgeous colors. Corrie


9:45PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

Thank you, Corrie



3:42AM | Tue, 12 November 2013

What a wonderful play with colours, light and shapes, how they unfold so light hearted, without any restrictions and limitations ... free like a thought. You dont need to worry about being 'rusty', Nancy, creativity is a lot about new beginnings and has it's very own (occasionally capricious) nature, you just go on, it'll be fine. And last but not least, I missed your work, such a pleasure to see a new creation (and a sign of life) from you!


9:08PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

(((Martin))) Thank you seems so small, but it's heartfelt. I appreciate the encouragement more than you know. I was hoping you'd be here, and am thrilled (and relieved) to also have a sign of life from you. Truly hoping you are in good health, and in a beautiful space!


9:50PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

And Martin...I so hope we can further catch up on happenings in each others' lives, very soon!



4:24AM | Tue, 12 November 2013

Great texture and flow to this piece. Good to see you!


9:10PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

Thank you! Good to see you as well :)



5:36AM | Tue, 12 November 2013

Bold, powerful, lovely. Welcome back, N. "Medicine, astrology, magic must operate concretely since the Paracelsian type of High Science is the knowledge of concrete facts, of mirabilia."(The Eternal Hermes 69)


9:16PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

(((Joeface))) I'm not the least bit surprised that you, of all people, chose to ferret out the meaning. Wonders. Thank you for the smile. And, pssst...I'm home.



6:29AM | Tue, 12 November 2013

Well! It's almost 3 years since your last upload (a beautiful dedication to one of our best and dearest, Martin), and you're back! I saw the ebot about 3 minutes after it went out, but I didn't actually comment until now. It's great to see you, Nancy! Your fractal reminds me what your work has always been...opulent, organic, suggestive of so many natural forms, loving, and intimate. Intimate even in the "fabric" lines you have in it, as well as the placement of your forms against a black background, as if we were looking at it in a beautiful jewelry box or an old display case that belonged to your grandmother. (Like it was against that old black velvet...) It has the feel of a dragon or a semi-aquatic creature, and it's awash in warm oranges, autumnal yellows, and strokes, like frosting, of greens, blues, purples, and so on. I know mirabilia means "wonderful" or "miraculous" in Latin: So this is a marvel, something magic and new to the eye, which (ala Martin) flows without any restrictions or limitations. I hope all's well in your life and heart, with your family, with your home (I remember you moved a ways back), and in general. For however long you're back here, it's great to see your light here once again! And I hope you're getting lots of light wherever you are. Welcome back to these climes, how wonderful to see your countenance upon these hills! Many blessings your way!


9:45PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

I can't express what it has meant, to find this from you. (((Mark))) In typical you-fashion, an outpouring of light and encouragement. Sir, you could not suppress the beacon that IS you...if your very existence depended upon it. You DO realize that, don't you? Oh no matter. Those fortunate enough to encounter you, well....we know the score. Yes, it's been three years. Sometimes long and arduous those three, sometimes brief as a blink. As I'm sure has occurred along your path, too, there have been many happenings...some gains...several losses...some of the latter close enough to chink the armour. Such is the cyclical nature of all things, I remind myself. I'm just grateful to have found some sturdier ground, that allows me to be here once again. Thank you so much, for taking the time and energy out of your day and doings, for this incredible gift. And, as an aside, I'm smiling pretty hugely, that both you and NefariousDRO, once again find dragons within. (Not the first time you two have spotted them. And I know that's not happenstance. Sometimes, they make their way inside my pieces, when I'm entirely unaware, and I only find them later. Curious that the two of you never fail to see them, and sometimes even before I do). Oh, how I hope you are basking in the light you so richly deserve, Mark. Yes, I certainly hope that with all my might. I see your blessings...and raise you threefold... ;)



6:44PM | Tue, 12 November 2013



9:46PM | Tue, 12 November 2013

You have always been so encouraging. Thank you!



12:36AM | Wed, 13 November 2013

Welcome back Nancy! How smashing to see you posting again. It's been too long a time. I hope you are keeping very well and it's all blue skies and sunshine for you. I hope you are here to stay. I've been reading the comments - no - you are not rusty at all - it's a sinuous beauty and has wondrous colourful charm. It is also a lovely Peruvian flower - The Four-o-clock plant, with the same lovely colours. ..I too remember my schoolgirl Latin - a great and universal language. Where would we Botantists be without it?


8:58PM | Wed, 13 November 2013

Awww (((Jenn)))! Damn, but it's been ages. How's my old friend across the big pond? I hope life's treating you gently, or that you're at least dodging the big orange pylons of life to the best of your ability. And, can I just say how awesome it is to see you also still sticking with FE?! I swear, you can still pull an organic, almost-breathing image from the depths of that program, like noone else. Thanks for the welcome back. :)



2:52AM | Wed, 13 November 2013

Wonderful shapes and colors. Excellent and very beautiful fractal work.


9:01PM | Wed, 13 November 2013

Thank you, King of the Camera :)



11:21AM | Wed, 13 November 2013

Ah, and now I know your name! Dear Nancy, this is a most lively, intriguing and lovely colored Apo, with so much details on it to explore! For me it looks like a fantastic colored rooster on the run. ;-) Love, Jacomina :)


12:39AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Thank you for the lovely comment, Jacomina! Apologies that I've only just now found it. And Happy New Year to you and yours :)



12:32PM | Wed, 13 November 2013

Excellent work!!!!!


12:40AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Many thanks!



1:18PM | Wed, 13 November 2013

Welcome back, Nancy!! How wonderful to see you again. Of course I already saw you pop up in the comments but it's so nice to see your work again. This is really fantastic. Lovely movement and colouring. It does have an eastern "ring" to it, so those dragons fit in well ;-)


12:42AM | Tue, 31 December 2013 wonderful to find you here again! I hope life is treating you well, and all are happy and thriving. Thank you so much for the comment and visit. Happy New Year :)



12:17PM | Thu, 14 November 2013

OMG!! OMG!! OMG!! Deep breaths .. deep heart calming breaths!! Focus on each breath .. slowly breathe in .. slowly breathe out .. ok. I'm calm now, giggles. It's like seeing you, looking at this gorgeous display .. all fire and light and strength and positive energy and creativity. It is so good to "see" you here, and to be back myself. All is well with you? I certainly hope so, it seems that things or good if the image is a reflection


12:56AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

(((YOU!))) I have missed you, Rita! And I'm so sorry I've just found this! Where ARE you? Home, or at the hollow? Well, I guess I'll know soon enough, if I don't hear from you. I'll know then that you're off the grid for awhile. We really need to play catch up, and laugh so hard we wake your poor hubby again! (I will never, ever forget that, silly lady). All is good, dear friend. I'm feeling well, thanks. Life is beautiful! And I hope this little note makes its way to you, and softly smacks you upside the head with tons of hugs and more love and good thoughts than you can handle! (Okay, well I would never wish you more of anything than you could handle..but you get my drift). And if you're out in the wild now, I hope you'll drop a line or two when you return. Thank you for the beautiful comment (and the smile it brought, too)! And Happy New Year to you and yours!



2:00PM | Thu, 14 November 2013

wow- a zoo of animals -wonderful work;-)) ..glad your back again;-)


12:58AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Lol. Well, I hadn't even considered a zoo. Thank you, Guenter! Hope all is well in your world. Happy New Year to you! :)



7:47AM | Sun, 17 November 2013

Nice colors, interesting texture. Beautiful image.


12:59AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Thank you!



4:44PM | Sat, 23 November 2013

Beautiful, beautiful!


1:09AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Thanks very much :)



1:13AM | Wed, 18 December 2013

A remarkable fractal with Asian look .... dragons, fire, love, flower.....BEAUTIFUL!!


1:10AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Ahh..always the dragons hidden within. I love that they can sometimes be spotted. Thanks very much, Juli :)



5:36PM | Wed, 18 December 2013

I love the color and light on this... Great shot


1:10AM | Tue, 31 December 2013

Thank you :)



10:16PM | Sat, 29 March 2014

Beautiful work, incredible art.



8:26AM | Tue, 01 April 2014

a powerful and also contrastful fractal impression! ;o)

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