Mon, Feb 17, 5:52 PM CST

Couple(3/3)): So much anger in your words!

Poser Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jun 29, 2013
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This mini-series was inspired to me by two recent clips which show couples with love and violence... and sometimes by the life! Links for the video with the first image; Today: So much anger in your words! Image created with Poser Pro 2012, compositing with Photoshop I make all the poses I use. Lighting by me, as always. Background by me, the view through the window is a premade background 502 by AshenSorrow (deviantart) Thanks for all your nice comments on my previous pictures, or for just taking a peek! "Click" to view my previous image.

Production Credits

Comments (64)



9:44AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Great scene and expression :)



9:49AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Ce n'est pas un couple sous son meilleur jour. Le quartier dehors paraît aussi avoir des problèmes, avec le feu dans un appartement... Bon travail!



9:54AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

great expressions and work



9:59AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

fabulous work! amazing posing and lighting



10:00AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Excellent work! Well done!



10:02AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

I just finished jury duty in a domestic violence case. A lot of rage and anger can lie dormant inside of a romantic relationship. Then one day some small incident can cause this to boil over in to violence. Poignant image.



10:03AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Uh ohhhh! Can either lead to hot passionate love making....or I don't want to think about it! Great scene!



10:03AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Some problem. Good communication resulting from the gestures. Wonderful image.



10:08AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Superb poses, expressions and impressive mood. Excellent work!!



10:09AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Outstanding image Excellent social commentary Bravo! to ya for this one my friend Bravo



10:15AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

very nice work!


eekdog Online Now!

10:15AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

impressive scene and details jean.



10:20AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Fantastic work and expressions!!!



10:22AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Excellent pose and light --> all a very fantastic scene. BRAVO!



10:44AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Honnêtement, je préfère les deux précédentes, pour le sujet, pour la réalisation aussi.



10:47AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

wonderful job on this!



11:21AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

bas les pattes.....................



11:39AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Oh my, trouble in paradise. Nice work here.



11:48AM | Sat, 29 June 2013

The words we choose to say in the heat of emotion can cause damage that isn't so easy to repair... best to learn how to keep the lips closed and hold those stinging words until a cooler head prevails.



12:39PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

You surprised me. I expected another kind of image after the first two ones ... but you're right. Life isn't always love and peace!! Well done!!!



12:53PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

ça se gâte ! très joli effet de lumière sur le visage et l'idée des nuages noirs eest excellente



12:55PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

L'expression de la violence se voit dans leur attitude, surtout elle, mais aussi dans les fumées noires qui les entourent et les meubles cassés, et l'immeuble qui brûle est une idée de génie ! du beau travail, j'adore !



1:12PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

A wonderful creation as far as art is concerned and very well done BUT I am and always have been a non violent person against a women. Turn and walk away! This image caries a powerful message. Une magnifique création en matière d'art est concerné et très bien fait, mais je suis et j'ai toujours été une personne non violente contre les femmes. Tournez et à pied! Cette image des caries un message puissant.



1:46PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

La lune de miel semble tourner au vinaigre ;-) Superbes poses et un regard plein d'agressivité pour la jeune femme .. avec un beau jeu d'ombre et de lumière pour cette scène ... l'environnement délabré colle bien au drame qui se joue et laisse imaginer plein de choses :-) Un excellent rendu !!


1:52PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Great scene and expression. stunning work



1:59PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Excellent scene and mood on this one!



3:03PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Very good work makes me think of the song and video by Adele, 'Set Fire to the Rain'



3:04PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

Quelle ambiance avec ces fumées noires. Bravo.



3:25PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

What happened? If you were very hurt, we react on impulse. But ultimately, is violent no solution!!!!!!!!!!!! Never lose respect for the other!



3:32PM | Sat, 29 June 2013

The poses and expression tells the story my friend, superb work.

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