Tue, May 7, 6:23 PM CDT

Lonely Ol' Night

Poser Fantasy posted on Sep 08, 2012
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The rain wasn't about to let up and the thunder was deafening at times. There went another one. It made Frank nervous. He got up from his place in front of the fire, whining at the noise. He'd pace for awhile, then lay down again - until the next big one. Yaz noticed that Noel had descretely left Ms. Violet to keep him company. It made him smile. For him, it was just another lonely night. His days were busy enough with everything he had to do. The years had passed quickly but on nights like this, it seemed they'd dragged their feet. At least there was some sanity in his life. Nick, Ash, Cass and Ezza were the only ones who'd stood by him through the years of horrible depression. He'd taken the 'blame' thing too much to heart. Finally, Martyn understood...finally. Maybe that was the turning point, because Martyn had carped and hammered at him for decades and decades to 'get happy'. As if it were that easy! Another sort of niggling dark presentment haunted him now though. It haunted all of them. They were running out of time. The environment was going to hell in a hand-basket. Added to that there was the fact that Gaia herself was going through some changes, and the ever present spectre of The Corporatocracy, which cared nothing for Nature or in truth, humanity at large...as if *they* were something above human. Life was going to change real soon, and when it did they and all their consorts needed to be there for what was left of humanity - to teach them how to hunt and cook their food; grow things and bake breads; raise and domesticate animals; find water and land that wasn't polluted. It wasn't going to be easy. Yaz had his own 'Seed Bank' he'd been collecting for years. Absolutely no GM seeds allowed. Lex and Saranta, Arman and Litza, and their new friends Hope and Nico were now 'stockpiling' the hardiest breeds of farm animals on their three combined farms: horses - both working and saddle-bred, cattle, pigs, goats, chickens, rabbits and sheep. Eric and his crew were madly trying to tap out the mines they had left and smelt down the ores. They'd need metals, eventually. Star and Raq were ever vigilant, always looking for signs, omens and at real-world goings on that portended what was to come and when. The Weathermen were just trying to divert Mother Nature's temper-tantrums, but it was becoming more difficult with each day and each season that passed. They had everything planned as well as they could...but would it be enough? The ice was melting, the ocean-conveyers were slowing down due to the influx of fresh water. The air was getting thicker and nastier. They had their work cut out for them. ***** The house is a bit of Runtime madness with parts and pieces mostly from DM's Medieval Promenade (RMP-walls & floor), DAZ's Dream Home (DAZ-furniture, rugs & drapes), Merlin's Armory (DAZ-tapestry & fire), and Tavern (DAZ-wine bottle & glass). Yaz's clothing is from Smay's 'Bad Guy' (DAZ), and Elven Hair (DAZ). Entire scene lit with only two point lights (fireplace and floor lamp). Rain and grapes are from Traveler (RDNA - freebies). Thanks for stopping by, your comments and faves, dear friends. I hope you have a fantastic weekend! Ray

Comments (22)



12:37AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

a lot of real life in your story... times to come, perhaps sooner than anyone wants to admit. Awesome work, both story and image my friend!!!



12:49AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Ohhh.....very beautiful atmosphere you create my friend, excellent composition and story as usual, congratulations!



1:08AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Wonderful scene and story!!



1:11AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Great image and story Ray.



1:18AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Very cool and realistic story & events Excellent work



4:15AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

And when the ocean-conveyers are totally stopped it's going to be ice-age again... Great narrative and image.



6:38AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Yaz looks thoughtful and the scene is very intimist with the smoke of the cigarette, the superb decor and the dog, excellent image !



6:40AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

I like the atmosphere you created in this image, Rayvn. The lighting is wonderful and warm, and the room was set up with so much attention for detail, it looks very comfortable. And I love that Noel left Ms Violoet for company.



7:36AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

If only there were 'would-be-heroes' in real life. Seems no one cares about anything anymore. 'Feed me, f me, f you' is the new mantra. Nice work & nice piecing together of the house. ")



8:59AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Fantastic read Ray!



9:49AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Very cool scene and story!!!!


9:54AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Great image and story :^)


eekdog Online Now!

10:29AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

looks like what i do alot Ray, super job on this scene.. like that story alot.



11:43AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Impressive piece. very nice detail, very choice!



11:45AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

WOW - A splendid looking scene!



1:33PM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Wow! Well you knocked me on my butt with your story. Where in the world are you going with this? Very well done. Very, very well done! You delivered me so subtly into a turn of events that I never expected. You make me wonder why this is on your mind. I could go on and on right now -- as a hell of a storm just let loose outside for real here in NE Pennsylvania -- but I'll just say that this is absolutely fascinating work!



10:23PM | Sat, 08 September 2012

Another superb piece, Ray! Great art, thought-provoking reading.. We have truly made a mess of this planet.



1:50PM | Sun, 09 September 2012

Great composed scene that fits the great story Ray, excellent work.



9:14PM | Sun, 09 September 2012

imaginative writing and mood of your render



2:55AM | Mon, 10 September 2012

Unfortunately we likely do not have guardians waiting in the wings to help us pick up the pieces and start over again when it eventually all crashes down.



2:20PM | Mon, 10 September 2012

Great image. The size of the room seems to diminish the presence of the important man in his deep thoughts. Scary premise. More often I feel we really are on the verge of major change that could be quite calamitous. Even without war, the climate change and the starvation it could bring would be more than enough to change society forever.



1:08AM | Tue, 09 October 2012

An awful lot of truth being told here. Kinda doubt there are such guardians though. Think the survivors will be the rural areas of the middle east and maybe China where they are still living a hardscrabble life off the land and where cars and cellphones are still scarce.

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