Wed, May 15, 11:13 PM CDT

Master Dariannus

Carrara/RDS Film/TV posted on Aug 16, 2012
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Master Dariannus is a Star Wars role-playing character I, not someone else, is running. A pleasant change. I'm actually doing something a little different; instead being a regular player, I am behind-the-scenes, controlling a faction for the Gamemaster. This game is set in the earliest SW era, Dawn of the Jedi, when the Lightside/Darkside dichotomy isn't a big deal--except to 2 secretive factions/cults, one Lightside, one Darkside. Dariannus is the scholar-physician leader of the Pro-Lightsiders, who became convinced that the darker aspects of the Force were dangerous due to his own experiences researching new ways to use the Force. Dariannus hopes to make the changes he wants from within, by becoming one of the Jedi leaders, but that may not be possible, depending on what the players' characters and the other factions--not to mention the Gamemaster!--do. For the record, Master Dariannus is not nearly as self-rghteous, or oblivious, as many of the Jedi Councillors appeared to be in the Prequel movies. This character portrait is also suitable for classical fantasy characters such as a wizard, scholar or alchemist. This was deliberate on my part, and very easy to carry out, since this is so early that many of the Jedi motifs (lightsabers, etc.) probably don't exist yet. The only overtly Jedi/Star Wars thing in this picture is the blue cube, a holocron, a Jedi device that probably won't be recognizable to a casual fan. Technically, I am becoming more comfortable working in Carrara 8, and am starting to play around more with the lights and shaders, as well as posing clothing. As Spacer_01 can tell you, I still ask a LOT of questions, but I do have a better idea of what I need to ask. Models include that holocron, by Crimsonight; Appleyard's ampoule; & M3 wizard robes with PCGaijin's Evil Master texture set. Yes, I love the irony of using "villain" textures for the clothing of someone who is basically a Good Guy. Only postwork is signature.

Comments (6)



11:30PM | Thu, 16 August 2012

great job with the star wars character. i enjoyed the view.



7:56AM | Fri, 17 August 2012

Very cool work on this scene it looks like he's holding the Hellraiser Puzzle Box



8:11AM | Fri, 17 August 2012

Splendid and cool scene!!!Bravissimo!V:DDD.Hugsxx


8:54AM | Fri, 17 August 2012

Yes, it does look like what he's got, now you mention it. I said it was more versatile than just a Star Wars scene. :D I'm still not satisfied with the sleeves so if someone has experience with the clothing set, feel free to give suggestions.



4:26PM | Sat, 18 August 2012

Good work. Cool Idea.



2:57PM | Sun, 26 August 2012

I could never get the hang of Cararra and I tried, so I really appreciate your scene. Well done. Sounds like you are having great fun with the game. Well done.

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