Memorial Day (for our vets) MDD Nalia) by eekdog
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after 7 years i'm finally getting around in adding some info on this page. never really thought about doing it. i have been a member here since July 15th 2006, and have learned alot from fellow artists. i would have about 1300 images or so posted but have deleated many of my first pieces. and still consider myself a developing artist at this wonderful site. i'm 56 years old this year "2013" and was born in North Dakota. i have lived in Colorado since 1967 and enjoy this place alot. my stepfather was in the air force and we lived in Bermuda after North Dakota for a few years before coming here where he got stationed.. and so much enjoy many of the finest artist in the world who post here.. love you all and your amazing friendships we share.. lol Steve
i enjoy working with poser, i have such a dinosaur version i use, (p6) wish i had poser 2012 at least. i also use photoshop 7 for most of my work i post here. but more so photography is my main passion, just hope to get a camera again someday.
p.s. not sure how high of a res pic i'm using for this page. take care and thanks a million you all.
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Comments (92)
Beautiful work and dedication!
beautiful work my friend
Hey steve, great render! and as a VET I really thank you! :o)
Magnifico tributo Steve, maravilhosa obra para referenciara a data, excelente trabalho meu amigo, aplausos (5)
Stunning work! And a tremendous tribute, my friend. That background and her stars & stripes outfit is amazing.
Excellent Image
wonderful and well thought of.
Strong picture,my friend. Very beautifully done.
Superb composition and excellent image!
Beautiful words and tribute!
Strong image, beautiful work!
What a beautiful patriotic scene, Steve!
A wonderful work and dedication, Steve!
Holy shit man... I was planning on posing something for the day but after seeing this I'll rethink it. this is one super looking image my friend. Awesome composition and great attention to detail... Beautiful.
WOW! Gorgeous work on this!! LOOOOVE the clothing textures & her somber expression says it all! GREAT job!
Such a beautiful dedi, Steve. Lovely! ")
This is a great dedication to all of us vets, thanks!!...
I think your image is perfect Love it lil brother and the message as well Feel halfway decent today praise the Lord Hugs n love Your lil sis Susan~
tetrasnake Online Now!
Nice one!Stands and Salutes A Great tribute!
Beautiful memorial tribute to the fallen soldiers! :) Excellent work Steve!
Beautiful work and dedication!!
Thank You Steve for this brilliant and beautiful work in honor of Veterans in keeping us free. As A Viet- Nam vet I thank You!!
Totally amazing looking render for this special Day!
A gorgeous image in honour of a great holiday. You honour true heroes with a real work of art. Beautifully done! =D
A fine looking piece and dedi for those that've sacrificed so much, Steve, very nice composition and the character, well, Dolly Madison wished she'd looked this good! I find it a shame that many seem to forget what this holiday is all about... rememberance.
A super tribute, Freedom isn't Free, Salute Peace
You did a great job on this beautiful and moving dedication Steve
a most beautiful and sensitive dedication honoring all the fallen in man's greatest failure--war...