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I know you hurt

Writers Realism posted on Jan 30, 2012
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I see you And I weep You are so lonely And afraid You want to be happy But you don’t know how You are angry Angry at life And you don’t know why You try so hard But you can’t figure out How to be happy Everyday is a challenge To try and get along And no one Is trying to fight with you You can’t see The only one stopping your happiness Is you I know someone very near and dear to me who wants to be happy but they just don’t know how. I believe this person has probably been angry from birth. I wish I knew what to say but if I said anything this would just make them mad. I feel sorry for them. They are not bad they are just hurt and they don’t know how to stop the hurt and I don’t know how to help them. I hope you like me poem and I hope you don’t know someone like this Randy

Comments (14)



10:15PM | Mon, 30 January 2012

Excellent and true words Randy, marvelous writing and message!



10:16PM | Mon, 30 January 2012

Very beautiful and moving! I've been there and I know what it is like. Part of the healing is self-acceptance which is very, very hard. Hell, I'm still having issues in that regard and I'vebeen working at this for thsee last 24 years....(i'm 60 by the way) Very good writing



10:16PM | Mon, 30 January 2012

very wonderful done



10:22PM | Mon, 30 January 2012

~Very moving words!~



10:52PM | Mon, 30 January 2012

I was hurt very deeply when I was a child, but with the heart god and my parents blessed me with is a heart that was bound and determined to live life happily and not in misery. If I would have been angry and unhappy after this happened to me then the person that hurt me would have won and that wasn't and isn't going to ever happen. You have to look at yourself and ask do I really want and deserve to be happy, and if you answer yes then let the happiness flow, and put all anger behind you bc the person that hurt you isn't losing sleep nor do they care that you are hurting. One just has to make sure the same thing that hurt them before don't happen again. I know it is hard to do sometimes, but you have to forgive and move forward. Also never treat others the way you were treated bc that makes you no better than the person that hurt you. I made up my mind when the hurtful things were done to me as a child that I would never allow them to happen to my kids and I also knew god wanted me to move forward and not just stand and look back at my past. God has blessed us with happiness in our hearts, but it is up to us to see it and to use it in a most postive way. :))))))))) I really hope this person finds happiness and will be able to move past all of their hurt. They have to find happiness for themselves no one else can do that for them. Maybe that is what is wrong. They want someone else to find that happiness for them and when one doesn't that makes them angry. They have to want happiness so bad that it hurts, and they w have to be willing to work at it each day for rest of their life. Happiness is key to good health, and a smiling face. :)))))) This poem my friend is spoken from your heart and I have to agree with you. I really do hope this person wants happiness in their life. :)))) Most excellent my friend. :))))))) Thank you for sharing all of the beauty you have in your heart. :))) Carry A Smile In Your Heart :)))))



12:11AM | Tue, 31 January 2012

Most human suffering is self generated. My healing really began when I was laid off my job of 30 years and realized it wasn't important. What also helped was understanding that what people think of me is none of my business. This is a wonderful poem and speaks truth. All you can do is hold your friend and let them know you are there for them.



1:29AM | Tue, 31 January 2012

Wonderful words, Randy!!



3:13AM | Tue, 31 January 2012

Sad word's and i hope that one day your friend realises that he/she need's help as that is the most important thing indeed... but as Faemike55 say's i also have been there and live it on a daily basis and have done so for over 40 year's... At the end of the day realisation is the beginning of the cure.



5:27AM | Tue, 31 January 2012

Do fundo da alma uma realidade de muitos que somente um poeta de seu porte poderia falar tão profundamente, magnifica meu amigo, que muitos se atentem a esta mensagem de vida, aplausos mil



6:22AM | Tue, 31 January 2012

This is excellent writing for sure and what they need is kindness and understanding to their problem just being a friend really helps.



7:43AM | Tue, 31 January 2012

I know that feeling. But the meds help me.



7:50AM | Tue, 31 January 2012

tear jerking words randy, most well done..



11:53AM | Tue, 31 January 2012

Wonderful poem! :)



6:52AM | Wed, 01 February 2012

Such sad words dear Randy.

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