Wed, Feb 12, 7:45 PM CST

Me 262

Mixed Medium Aviation posted on Nov 27, 2011
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Yes, my good old friends, I must confess it here and now: I'm kind of fed up with them Mandelbulb fractals. Therefore I'll show you a few other pictures. On this I worked very long. Maybe weeks. No, not every day eight hours, but very often. The Bryce 5 landscape backs this Messerschmitt Me 262 in Poser 5. The two Pilots are lower body amputeted Poser figures with free stuff helmets, masks and swimm-vests. I changed the original low poly-mapping with the UV Mapper software; smoothed the round shapes of the body, the jet intakes and more things like that. The two seater canopy was created with Corel Photo Paint8. We sit in another Me 262 and this section of the canopy was also done with Corel Photo Paint8. Pixel by pixel the hole night long... and again... click... extremely time consumig, but very pleasing in the outcome. Here you can buy one of the new Me 262 replicas - if you are rich enough.

Comments (13)



1:12PM | Sun, 27 November 2011

Now there's something you don't see every day, a very pleasant change from the usual 'fighter' version.You seem to have put a lot into this and it shows, excellent image, thanks for sharing...



1:21PM | Sun, 27 November 2011

Oh, wow! A 2 seat trining Me 262. There is one at an air force base outside Philadelphia - I consider myself very lucky to have seen it from a passing car, twice on the same day! Very good work. Considering the 3d and 2d work, you've succeeded very well! This looks very photo-like. Keep up the good work! :-)



2:19PM | Sun, 27 November 2011

Well done! All the work pays off. Unusual aircraft and an unusual point of view. All in all, very nice work. I hope we get to see more.



6:30PM | Sun, 27 November 2011

you did wonderful. i know it takes time to do stuff like this



3:00AM | Mon, 28 November 2011

very good composition



12:39PM | Mon, 28 November 2011

It shows that you have put some effort into this piece.I like the point of view.



7:53AM | Tue, 29 November 2011

You have done well with your effort here. :)



11:26AM | Tue, 29 November 2011

Nice job on your work!



1:49PM | Sat, 03 December 2011

Very nice scene!!!



4:44AM | Tue, 06 December 2011

Works well, very satisfying



4:48PM | Tue, 06 December 2011

Facinating image!



1:01PM | Fri, 09 December 2011

Super, bravo, bravo :-)



6:04AM | Sun, 11 March 2012

It looks as if your long hours and hard work paid off, nice job.

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