Fri, Feb 7, 11:31 PM CST

Do The Strand

Fractal Faeries posted on Nov 25, 2011
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Most human beings on earth are still in the stage of the involutionary sleeping souls modus, trapped. And, just as here is an astral, so over there is the intuitiv acting shaman, waiting. Your shaman has learned to do high doses for all pleasure purposes only, but not to loose control of his own mind while collapsing. A merry shaman is working his way up and down to the sheathing, which he also often calles THE DIVINE. His soul is now more than 10,000 years old and always on the dirty road for more, and sometimes even exciting, new adventures. Children of adulterous parents drop out of the equestrian order and must - if they have the necessary energy - build their own castle from scratch up again. Life is like a chess game. There are strict rules. These ancient laws are valid always and forever, and of course also everlasting, or eternal; yes, for all human beings, on all planets. And the movement of the towers, or the shifting of the queen, is still in thousands of years exactly the same, and pulls the same consequences, as it does today. This law applies to: Everywhere in the cosmos where human spirits are.

Comments (12)



5:57AM | Fri, 25 November 2011

awesome like the lighning very good job



6:05AM | Fri, 25 November 2011

this gets better the more I stare into it, Fantastic shade of glowing colour



7:59AM | Fri, 25 November 2011

Splendid fractal image.



8:57AM | Fri, 25 November 2011

Fantastic image. Love the green! Do the Strand is my absolute favorite Roxy Music song. :-) Corrie



9:20AM | Fri, 25 November 2011

Green Dome Code: Do the Strand = BINGO !!!!



12:46PM | Fri, 25 November 2011

like this glowing green, beautiful work



1:35PM | Fri, 25 November 2011

Shining done.



3:25PM | Fri, 25 November 2011

green as hope:)



6:42PM | Fri, 25 November 2011

Always and forever.Good vibes.



10:20PM | Fri, 25 November 2011

cool image



12:25AM | Wed, 30 November 2011

Very nice and interesting image.



1:49PM | Sat, 03 December 2011

Excellent composition and atmosphere!!!

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