Mon, May 6, 9:07 AM CDT

Evening Stroll & Rant

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Nov 13, 2011
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Elenoir took a little evening stroll with her little sister,and after shopping they like to come to this quite place before heading home. Sadly in our times the one cannot walk secure anymore ,that’s why we have tight security everywhere. The lady might feel secure ,but according to her expression she is not overjoyed by this situation. The thing that came to my mind this morning was:if the politicians are not going to cut the crap,then the next generation of kids first word to learn will be not Mama & Papa but Crisis,Krise,Crise. Another amazing thing is you steal an apple and someone calls the police or depends on the country they cut your hand. As a politician you can rob and indept your country shamelessly and then you retire with all your money and get even a pension from the people you just robbed for ages. That’s the profession of the future politician you can turn like the wind. might have realised that I am not uploading as much as usual,I am working on a Spackovian extension, another planet inspired by the book Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson there is 3 books in the series I will try to get them as well. But as I am an undisciplined sob I jump again from left to,much fun. Ute will leave next Saturday for Luxembourg to visit Severine so she will not be much around either.and I will be guarding the spacko-vault and taking care of the doggy-babes. Armor/outdit on m4 MAS Xurge3d, Credits:al3d-shopping,godin/joanna-elenoir,powerage-shockwave-bike,DM-Podium,pretty3d-hot winter II,pgmeri01-combat,ironman-halloween candy,Vh-Thalissia,

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Comments (58)



4:25AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Great scene!



4:33AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

superb... like the evening athomsphere



4:35AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

well composed and sad idea!



4:39AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Image superbe, bonne atmosphère de "crise"!!



4:43AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

work'n on Spackovian extension??? setting up scenes? Making a story?.... I haven't done anything in years - YEARS with my Bondage story... magikunicorn just put my images in a video for me... It makes me wonder where the last couple years went.... If I was to go back in time and do it over, I would of created scenes, buildings where the story was to take place.



4:44AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Elles n'ont pas l'air contente de faire du shopping mais vu les conditions, cela se comprend !! Chez nous, les média ont donné un nom à la situation actuelle : le crise de la dette (the crisis of the debt), totalement déplorable ... bientôt on aura la crise de la crise ;-)



4:45AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Ein schönes Pixelchen & Krisenrant!



4:52AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Excellent work!!!!



4:57AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

As always a beautiful render Rene, great work my friend.



5:22AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

LOL - I wondered what you were gonna rant about - yeah, another one bites the dust eh but I bet will soon be replaced by an equally self centered, selfish, useless waste of space ..... hey ho, thank God out future is in the hands of experts (yes, i am taking the proverbial!)



5:24AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Je suis d'accord avec toi et Legolie! Il y en a assez à la fin! J'ai entendu parler de Red Mars, je crois que c'est bien! Bon dimanche!



5:31AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

The perception of alarm is well done, great disquieting atmosphere!



5:33AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

disturbing but true. I bet in some countries it's already happening



6:09AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Wonderful composition!



6:11AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Great scene and work.



6:43AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Another true rant and well explained what is happening in this world.. I remember going to Acapolco years ago. Being on the beach and men with guns were walking around. That was so scary. There was also a ship anchored. Great scene as usual Rene..



7:29AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Super scene Rene. Your rant is well spoken and very true. Glenda is gone to see her sister that just had surgery. She will be about a week until she gets home. So I too am guarding the fortress and looking after the four legged kids. It kind of sucks that Glenda is gone for a while but it would suck even more if I had to go there with her. :)



7:41AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

The saddest thing of all, Rene, is that your words will reach the people but those thieving politicians will not be bothered by them at all..... Great image.



8:26AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Good pic Rene, and great point about how it is not safe for kids or most anyone anymore



8:46AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Belle image de rue de tous les jours, "sécurisée" par un garde armé jusqu'aux dents, la dame n'est pas rassurée pour autant! Excellent job !



8:54AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Awww. Yo get to be doggie daddy. Lol. Have fun! ")



9:06AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Ohhh ist das ein wunderschönes Pixelchen! SUUUUUPER! Hab noch einen wunderschönen Sonntag!



9:19AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

The expression says it all Rene... perfectly posed and said my friend. When I was young, I began to watch things changing. One by one laws changed, jobs came and were lost, lies were told to unbeliving sheeple who listened and accepted those fairytales... wars were waged and the fattest pigs in the pen grew bigger and fatter on the broken backs of the working class and the blood of their warriors. Now they have become so over confident in their belief that they are not accountable for their actions that they feel they can spit in the faces of those they have misused and abused... they forget history, like the French Revolution and why it happened. They only know that they hold the reigns for now and don't realize that those are slippery things to hold on to when the road gets rough. They are being exposed, and slowly the sleeping masses are being awakened to the truth... now, it's just a question of have we aroused a giant, or simply rattled the crib of a crying infant?



9:22AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Excellent scene and work!!



9:28AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Excellent scene and great commentary. I agree it is rather ironic isn't it, politicians who put countries in deep debt, continue to give themselves raises, when they retire, they live very VERY comfortably. The people who have worked for a living to pay those salaries and retirements, are scratching to make ends meet. Just doesn't seem fair does it?



9:28AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

love that bike Rene, and so many countries have harsh laws..



9:38AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

Crisis?What Crisis??? Great scene and rant bro!!!



9:47AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

I agree, nothing is secure anymore when walking into places. Nice scene you did great. Spend some good time with Ute before she leaves....



9:57AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

History teaches us, that if politiens are weak, people call for a strong leader. Something we already had before ... Now that Berlusconi got his kick in the ass, who will be next ?



10:03AM | Sun, 13 November 2011

good rant...excellent scene and very true, it may come to that one day....

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