Since this site doesn't show French characters I guess I'd better remove the French version of my intro. It just looks awful in French... here is a sample of what it looked like!
... Fran?se ... Qu?c... d?uvert ... d? ... infinit?e... ?pprendre! (NICE HEH???)
Hello! My name is France and I live in Quebec. I discovered the wonderful world of 3D in April 2004 when I bought Poser 5. I've learned quite a bit since then but I still have so many new things to discover!
I don't pretend to be an artist. I would call myself a computer addict and I love to learn how to use new software. I am retired and I play with PaintShopPro, Poser and Bryce. (EDITED: Since DAZÂ released DS3A I have been using it instead of Poser. I think it is much easier to use and IÂ get to see exactly what I'm doing while IÂ pose my characters and props.)
What I have done so far in 3d World...
July 2004: created Sara's Fan Club that was managed by bnetta. I was too new to 3dWorld at that time to actually manage a group but when my suggestion to create such a group seemed to interest many Poser Forum users, I asked for someone to create it with me and manage it: Netta volunteered and she did a great job!
November 6, 2004: 3dSaraCreations (a group of generous and talented artists who worked hard together to give you wonderful freebies). We had to close 3dSC but our freebies are still available at
Spring 2006: Bought my own domain name and webspace at PowWeb (great host BTW) and moved my website from Jeff's server to PowWeb
August 14, 2007: created an exclusive Club for 3D kids & cute toons lovers:Â Kids & Cute Toons Club. I had often felt that my freebies were not appreciated when they were for kids or cute toons. There were only a few replies to my messages in various forums so I decided to group all these people together in a place where we can enjoy what we like without being snubbed by "purist" artists. It is a fun club and over these 2 full years we have built a very close-knit virtual family.
Fall 2008: started a new freebie website "KCTC Freebies" that hosts freebies from KCTC members who either don't have a website to host their freebies or simply want to contribute to our group's website.
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Comments (8)
Wonderful work on yet another adorable image, it is always a pleasure to visit your gallery
Thank you Dave!
mininessie Online Now!
lovely dear....i want to be there too!! ^^
Sooo lovely image!!!!!!!!!!!!Bravissima!V:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma
Adorable work, - love it ;o))))))))))))
Very cute!
Adorable. :)
that's a cute scene hugs