Sat, Feb 15, 11:35 PM CST

For The Birds

Photography Animals posted on Feb 17, 2011
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A shot I took earlier from the roof at work. This tower is shared by several different internet providers and cell phone companies and has been standing for a few years now, but this is the first year that birds have taken to flocking together on top of it. I first noticed them a couple weeks ago during a warm stretch, but the camera wasn't available. They were there again yesterday, but I wasn't sure if they'd be back today (it wasn't as nice out). Still, I brought the camera, just in case. Surprisingly, the first shot I took turned out to be the best. I took a couple shots from one level, then moved over to another section that's about 20 feet higher, but also further away from the tower (it's about the equivalent of a half block away). I was able to brace the camera against a vent on the higher section, but those shots didn't compare to the first one, which you see here. I did a bit with it in PSP; it was kind of dreary out (and a thick fog rolled in about half an hour later), plus I played around with the distortion correction functions. I wish I could have gotten closer, but it only has a 10X optical zoom and I don't like to push it much further with the digital zoom (which was still off for this one). Overall, I like how it turned out anyway.

Comments (3)



8:54PM | Thu, 17 February 2011

We need Alfred to explain this phenomenon! Great capture



12:03AM | Fri, 18 February 2011

Reminds me of the cable guy movie where Jim Carey goes and lounges out in a satelite dish - lol


12:51AM | Fri, 18 February 2011

Perhaps the cable company is playing Alfred Hitchcock's bird film, ha ha!

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