Tue, Feb 18, 6:50 AM CST

The Yellow and Green Photoshopped

Photography Landscape posted on Oct 03, 2010
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Yesterday I uploaded this photo not retouched by photoshop,my sky was anaemic and it needed more depth of color so I am reasonably happy with how it now is except for a spot on the right horizon which still seems a bit blurry to me. I am very new to PS so this photo editing is still a bit scary for me.

Comments (11)



7:48PM | Sun, 03 October 2010

...well,it only gets scarier,but that's what makes it so fun....marked improvement from the original...PS could have been taken out of the equation with exposure compensation in the camera,or shooting the scene when the sun was lower in the sky...blur seems natural for the focal range....just an opinion,we all got'em,right?



7:56PM | Sun, 03 October 2010

you doing good on the post work. keep it up



9:34PM | Sun, 03 October 2010

Very beautiful capture and excellent postwork!


10:29PM | Sun, 03 October 2010

Great job! Eventually I'm going to get photoshop and start experimenting with it. I like what you've accomplished. Thanks for sharing.



2:18AM | Mon, 04 October 2010

Beautiful landscape.



10:38AM | Mon, 04 October 2010

A very lovely version. CC



10:56AM | Mon, 04 October 2010

I like this second version very much! Really nice work! You're on the right track, and I'd love to see you become more confident with Photoshop. It's a little intimidating in the beginning ... I opened and closed it a million times before it started to make any sense. I hope you'll bear with me while I point you in a direction I've found works pretty well: For an image like this one, (in Photoshop) go to the top menu bar and click Image and Adjustments and then I would try levels, saturation, and contrast to see what kind of results you get with each. Back to the top menu, try Filters and Sharpen. If you like some of that, but want a bit more brightness or darkness in certain places in your image, go to your side menu and find a square that says Burn or Dodge. Dodge lightens where you use it, and burn darkens. Just play around in Photoshop ... you'll find tools you like that you'll go back to over and over, and the more comfortable you get, the more you'll feel like branching out. Good luck, and have fun!! :) (ps ... sorry for deleting my first comment ... I messed up and everything that was supposed to be in italics had disappeared!!)



5:52PM | Mon, 04 October 2010

Very pretty~



2:16PM | Thu, 07 October 2010

what a beautiful landscape and great picture!



12:21PM | Fri, 22 October 2010




3:12PM | Sat, 27 November 2010

I can't improve on what auntietk wrote. I do enjoy playing with filters. They may not make it sharper but they can make it so that it doesn't distract the eye and seems to be the way you planned it all along. Drybrush is a favorite of mine. One warning about photoshop though, which you may have already discovered. It is very memory intensive and on my overburdened laptop has been known to exit itself when I try to go from one section to another. Very frustrating. Lovely image and great postwork! I love trees and this one is beautifully seen against the bright field. It's been so long, that you have probably forgotten asking, but the red wildflowers in my image "Across the Sea" are Red Drummond Phlox. You can see one close up here: http://www.pbase.com/epronske/image/32815640

0 70 0

Photograph Details
F Numberf/5.5
ModelCanon PowerShot A540
Shutter Speed1/320
Focal Length23

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