Mon, Feb 17, 11:00 AM CST

~NoT AgaiN~

Fractal Fractal posted on Jul 12, 2009
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It had been nearly a century since the clean up. Years of garbage floated past in the early morning sky as ma and I sat to watch the suns rise. Ma whispered, you could hear her voice shaking… “Pa, you thinking we need to get out the Ripper this time?” “Yep ma, we need the Ripper” “Pa…you don’t suppose there will be trouble again, you know what happened when great gramp sent the ripper out…member?” “Yeah ma, I member, you tell me every day….I member OK?” It was a century ago, great grampa Zeek, owner of the garbage collection firm, Space Debry R’Us, invented the Ripper. He shot the ripper out into space…oh sure, it cleaned up the debris… ate it all to the point where, well….it fell flat outa space it was so full… Yup, landed on half the planet. Now that was a mess… XenoDream Beta Tester-Version 2212 alpha-XD, post work in PSP 9 for sig and frame illusion, stars a grab from NASA. I really should be in bed, I just couldn’t help it… Got XD? Join the XDpix group on Yahoo where you can learn and explore with others! Explore your Creativity, Get XenoDream. Unlimited trial version of the newest XenoDream! ..Get XD Here.. Run, Don't Walk… It makes ya feel good Got XenoDream? Its time to UPGRADE—if you haven’t already ..CLICK IT HERE!.. Your comments are truly valued and a joy to read. Spread some joy! [=

Comments (18)



5:21PM | Sun, 12 July 2009

Wonderful image and great story!



5:44PM | Sun, 12 July 2009

Wonderful composition and atmosphere, Dinhi!!!



5:53PM | Sun, 12 July 2009

Oh my! That does look dangerous! Excellent creation! (:



6:46PM | Sun, 12 July 2009

love your stories D....good stuff!!!



6:49PM | Sun, 12 July 2009

Great story and image! Splendid creations. :o) Keep us smiling. :o)



8:22PM | Sun, 12 July 2009

There is a LOT that could be said about this image but I'm sure you've run most of it through the twisty corridors of your mind, my Friend. Great image.



9:42PM | Sun, 12 July 2009

A wonderful Ripper and such a fun story to go with it. Super work.



9:55PM | Sun, 12 July 2009

Okay .. now here's the question. Do these come in the small garden tool size? I need one for my garden. It seems to have been over-run by weeds. No, I mean over-run, as in where the heck are the flowers over-run. If it wiped all the flotsam and jetsum out of space, I bet it could clean up my weedy garden in two seconds flat! An awesome tool!!


10:11PM | Sun, 12 July 2009

lol with Rita . quite the design, i like it.



3:31AM | Mon, 13 July 2009

What a delightful abstract thing floatting in space...Splendid alien vessel or new BRILLIANT sculotur ??? GREAT at once, and OUTSTANDING at last !!! EXCELLENT !!! I like it !



5:44AM | Mon, 13 July 2009

story and image are fantastic !!!



1:11PM | Mon, 13 July 2009

super xeno image



2:12PM | Mon, 13 July 2009

Love your story and of course this great work ;O)



3:00PM | Mon, 13 July 2009

Fantastic work.



3:56PM | Mon, 13 July 2009

Great piece of equipment.....!!



8:53PM | Mon, 13 July 2009

This is so great! Love it all.



5:16PM | Tue, 14 July 2009

I be it hurt when it fell the first time! Fantastic story and a very painful looking creation!



11:30PM | Fri, 31 July 2009

Can I get a small ripper to clean my house? This is great!

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