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Poser Fantasy posted on Mar 10, 2009
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A celebration for my worst viewed pic actually reaching 100 views. Which just goes to prove that old photographer saying - people only like pictures of women, animals, and landscapes. Had it been female with a nudity tag, people would be all over it... :-/

Comments (16)



3:44PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

Well I like it. Not enough guys in the gallery as it is. :) The snarl is a great touch on a very cool looking character.



3:59PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

excellent pic



4:22PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

Cool pose and Character. love the tatoo on his body! Nice work!



4:32PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

Wonderful! Splendid idea!



4:34PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

A very nice work.



5:32PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

Wonderful work!



6:25PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

great composition and character! Great skin texture!!!



7:38PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

First time I have seen it. Very cool.



9:20PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

Great composition and pose WELL DONE !!! A+ Your right about the nudity Tag , Not that nudity is bad, if done for more than the sake of nudity itself, art should be like great music ( not just mom died and got run over by a train & went to prison etc. ) As to the nudity tag... I've noticed in the short time I've been around this site others have attached that Tag, even when theres no nudity, just to get people to look at there art. Obviously they have drawn the same conclusion !!! As artists is this all we have to offer the world or each other ( naked women with swords or guns ) how inspiring is that ? Just so you Know where I'm coming from, I painted airbrush illustrations of pin-up art for years, I recently burnt them, I'm 49 years old & have'nt contributed one damb thing as an artist, wasted life I think !!!! You got Talent SO SING ....... PLEASE !!!! Tom



9:46PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

Excellent work. Very true commentary.



9:56PM | Tue, 10 March 2009

Great comment, great Work! Congratulations!



1:42AM | Wed, 11 March 2009

I like this image...nudity or not...



8:00AM | Wed, 11 March 2009

who doesn't view this, will miss a great design. the pose and shadow against the ancient samurai scene - fabulous



5:15PM | Wed, 11 March 2009

This is a great image. A very commanding figure, and powerful in it's simplicity. Love the tats.



5:13PM | Fri, 20 March 2009

I don't understand, why isn't this a nude female? Seriously though, great stuff here, love the background, very cool character and top quality render. As for nudity and tags, that's nothing new. It's no surprise why Baywatch was the number one show on television FOR YEARS...



6:49AM | Fri, 22 May 2009

Excellent mood, lighting and image !!! 5* Hugs Karin :)

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