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Poser Fantasy posted on Dec 21, 2008
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Hello , This is my last image this year so I would like to say Happy Holidays and 'Thankyou all' for your support over the last year. .. This is my morph and texture(old)on V4 taken by way of zbrush for outfit and Cs3 for some colour and dof.My photo sky in b/g. .... Thanks again for your previous remarks on Arachnia and Zombie Time.



..... Till next time.. cal

Comments (179)



6:21PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

weeeh.. this year will never be the same without you grin.. Now the year is realy over.. one can feel it.. The last of the Calum.. always sad when that happens but.. we have some good things to look forward to... Have good days and a special new year with mucho's Zbrush moments !! Take care in wild weather.. be healthy and save



6:24PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Outstanding. A Merry Xmas to you and yours Calum. Look forward to more great artwork next year from you and if you ever make that outfit I want in on it first lol. Now that I could render till the cows come home. Angela



6:26PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

WOW she is just incredible, Bravo on a stunning work of art!



6:26PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Oh boy! This is out of this world!! EXCELLENT work Calum!!! See you next year my friend!! Happy hollidays!!



6:27PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Very creative image, excellent work as always!



6:31PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Realy pops out, almost reachout and touch her.


6:31PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Superb image - have a good break! I look forward to more of your work next year, it really does amaze and inspire.



6:33PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Fantastic eye popping work! Always amazed!



6:34PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

AMAZING, Cal!!! Happy Holidays to You and Yours!!!



6:35PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Calum this is amazing. This looks straight out of the Sci fi movies! Incredible modeling on the head gear and outfit! I love the skulls. Superb work!



6:36PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Wow! This is awesome work and what a way to wrap up the year. Happy holidays to you and a most wonderful new year.



6:41PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Perfeito em todos os aspectos, texturização e obra fantásticas, aplausos (5)



6:42PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Fantastique et surprenante!!!!!!! (dans mes favoris)



6:42PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Great work as always Calum. I don't know how you create that great head gear but it always looks so well integrated with your figures. Hope you and the family have a great holiday. See you next year. Your Friend, Frank



6:42PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Amazing, exceptional work as always! Happy Holidays, Cal!


6:43PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

The armor detail is very intricate-- layers of it too. Quite a phenomenal work of art and technical skill. The character is both beautiful and slightly unsettling at the same time and evoking emotion in the viewer is a true sign of artistic mastery!



6:44PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Absolutly splendid and impressive helmet !To finish the year very great !^^ Good xmas, Happy new year to you with a full superb compos ! zach



6:46PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

STUNNNING MY FRIEND...Happy Holidays :)



6:53PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Majestic character alright, great work on the outfit and the use of DOF really makes great depth, kool one Cal ! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas ! ~Cheers~



6:55PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Fantastic work. Love the skin texture on the face, too. :)



6:56PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Happy Christmas mate; love the eyes.



6:59PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

excellent as always and happy holidays to ya calum



7:01PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Wow, stunning piece of artwork! Fantastic done!



7:01PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

You are the bloody MAN!!!! Awesome Cal... and have a really alcoholic Christmas too!



7:04PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

wow, your metal looks real, she is pretty amazing too. great xmas to you!



7:06PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Now, this is the epitomy of evil queen. Outstanding as always. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well! Be good and be safe.



7:09PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Wicked! I love it! Have a wonderful holiday.



7:10PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

Way scary and grand, bud; a blessed and Merry Christmas to you and yours; looking forward to more great art in the new year!



7:16PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

amazing art have a wonderful holiday my friend



7:17PM | Sun, 21 December 2008

awesome, nice work.....

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