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On The Prowl

DAZ|Studio Pin-ups posted on Apr 26, 2008
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Alternately titled "Window Shopping" Really happy with this render, only postwork was an armpit and my sig stamp. (yes, I like 'em dark)

Comments (11)



12:11AM | Sat, 26 April 2008

Excellent image and render, nice shader work, very nicely done, kudos..



12:39AM | Sat, 26 April 2008

Excellent image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



4:36AM | Sat, 26 April 2008

Oh yes..this is fantastic...stunning image !


4:48AM | Sat, 26 April 2008

Very koooooool work



6:02AM | Sat, 26 April 2008

LoL - I like your alternate title, very cute. I'm thinking I'd need wings too in order to get around on those heels! P I love the shiny shaders, they came out really nice.



6:56AM | Sat, 26 April 2008

Thank you, all blush The shader/mat setting I use for latex is easy, about 75/80% on the gloss, 15% reflection (bump this up for lighter base materials and/or bright lights/environments) with a good, bright, high contrast flattened sphere photo for the reflection image (my render time saver, the one I use is called "studyenviro.jpg"), and Studio's "glossy plastic" lighting model down at the bottom of the materials area. That's all I use, almost all the time :)



8:37AM | Sat, 26 April 2008

oh, this is creepy... excellent work! the pose and the expression are fantastic.



5:05PM | Sat, 26 April 2008

Very good composition and pose. Great light and render!!!!!!



8:33PM | Sat, 26 April 2008

Awesome scene set design and Atmos Bravo


1:31AM | Sun, 27 April 2008

Great image. Very nicely done.


12:04PM | Tue, 06 May 2008

awesome, great job!!

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