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Photography Creatures posted on Feb 05, 2008
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One of my own favourite owls with the heart shaped face created by the spectacled frame when which they get the name, this fairly young bird seemed to overcome its shyness when it seemed more than curious by its own reflection from my Telezoom lens! The Spectacled Owl is a medium to large sized owl (13-15 in. in length). There is no other member of the Genus Pulsatrix nor any similar owl in North or Central America although two other similar owls of the Genus exist in South America. It has very conspicuous white eyebrows and lores on a dark brown facial disk. Narrow white stripe around the upper throat divide the dark brown upper chest band from its head. Its stomach and chest are buff and its backside is dark brown. It has bright brown/yellow eyes and a creamy bill. The juvenile is whitish overall with a blackish facial disk. The opposite of the adult.. Thanks for taking time to look and any comments you care to make

Comments (71)



6:49AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

What a cute fellow, he he... splendid details to admire ;O)



6:53AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Fantastic capture, facial exspression is priceless, wonderful color and detail fantastic clarity!!!



6:53AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Very nice capture. I like your description of the young owl. :)



6:54AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Outstanding image! Fabulous POV and composition. Awwww factor X10!


6:59AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Beautiful capture excellent well done.



6:59AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

I adore owls and this is a beautiful, little one Danny!



7:04AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

OHH Myy, how cute it is. From long distance I thought it was a monkey baby. Looks like monkey eyes to me :))) It is so lovely and you captured it so nicely.



7:27AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

i was always fascinated with owls right from when i was a kid .i used to collect the picture postcards out of the tea packets especially the ones with owls :o)..he is a very beautiful young fella and an excellent capture by you danny mick


7:37AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

I have not seen this owl before I don't think. It has a very round head and close-set eyes. Great view of the baby down on this one. Seems he is as curious about you as I am of him. I will have to check out the web for a recording of it's call.



7:59AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Excellent picture and information. Todd


8:04AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

what a lovely one, I never saw this one before, and such a wonderful soft feathers



8:33AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Wowww what a beautiful taken owl portrait! It's a fabulous shot you have uploaded here!!!



8:44AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

What a wonderful expression. Great photo!



8:52AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

What marvelous and cute expression... a great capture Danny!



8:58AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Adorable capture Danny, and excellent as well!



9:20AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Ahhhhh.. so cute.. and a nice picture too.


9:28AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

That is so wonderful and cute with beautiful warm colors, an outstanding portrait!!



9:33AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Excellent capture!



9:39AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

remarkable photo



9:47AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Gorgeous animal! Thanks for sharing!!



10:13AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

That is the cutest owl I've seen. Just adore it's heart-shaped face and those heart-melting eyes. What a marvelous shot. CC



10:35AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

wonderful capture.



10:50AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

ugly. but not for his mom. a good capture with a perfect lighting



11:20AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Very expressive owl my friend....!!! A wonderful and very opportune shot Daniel...!! The photo have a impessive detail.....!!! Fantastic and interesting description my friend....!!!



11:35AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

A cutie!!!!!! Owls are one of my favorite Birds.. Excellent shot!!!


11:36AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Great capture. He/she is so cute. You have a fabulous gallery. Aloha



11:51AM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Very interessting information. Nice title. Wonderfull foto. 5+++



1:16PM | Tue, 05 February 2008

oh Danny, he's just too cute! wonderful photo



1:47PM | Tue, 05 February 2008

O, that's funny !



1:56PM | Tue, 05 February 2008

Oh what big eyes you have! Makes me smile. This is such a cute face.

13 222 0

Photograph Details
F Numberf/5.6
ModelCanon EOS 5D
Shutter Speed1/250
ISO Speed320
Focal Length400

Premier Release Product
Palace of the Sun for Daz Studio
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Top-Selling Vendor Sale Item
$25.00 USD 40% Off
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