Thu, Feb 13, 6:11 AM CST

Tropical Coast

Work In Progress Landscape posted on Jun 29, 2007
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This is a Vue 6 image using a procedural terrain and an altitude function to create the cliff. The ecosystem is a custom one I made just for this image. The water planes and textures are from the SeaScape pack by Monsoon over at 3D Commune. There's something missing here. I just can't put my finger on it. All suggestions and critiques are definitely welcome and appreciated. This is the link to the Art Theory Forum thread:

Comments (13)



12:31PM | Fri, 29 June 2007

Remarkable work! 5+!!!!!!!!!!!!



1:27PM | Fri, 29 June 2007

Very Nice picture, everything just seems to fit. Don't know that I would change anything



2:28PM | Fri, 29 June 2007

Nice job Victoria!!



4:05PM | Fri, 29 June 2007

Maybe what you're missing is water turbulence. A few big waves and ocean spray might help. But I do see some patches of "churning water," which certainly helps. Oh, and is this with Vue Infinite? I remember that you had plans to get it.



4:08PM | Fri, 29 June 2007

I think its perfect, great job on it



4:35PM | Fri, 29 June 2007

Beautiful Work



4:54PM | Fri, 29 June 2007

This is so tranquil and beautiful



12:55AM | Sat, 30 June 2007

Excellent work. Like it a lot. Very dreamy landscape.



12:13PM | Sat, 30 June 2007

It's a beautiful landscape, but it's missing a focal point.



12:30PM | Sat, 30 June 2007

It's indeed beautiful but I agree with kalon about a missing focal point, something to look at first. One thing that striked me as strange is such big trees growing in such a vertical slope. But my first impression when I opened the image was confusion about the scale. I wasn't sure if I was looking at a big scene or a small one. Maybe there is some incoherence of scale between the various elements (trees, rocks and foam). I think the foam is not realistic (sorry, I know I keep saying this in your pictures...)



10:00PM | Sat, 30 June 2007

This is wonderful! So peaceful and serene. Excellent! ~Samantha



6:30PM | Sun, 08 July 2007

The lack of a focal point doesn't bother me at all, since real live landscapes don't often have them. The scene is really beautiful on its own merits; the only thing I'm not too sure about is the density of the shadows. Quite a bit darker than I'd expect in a scene like this.



12:35PM | Thu, 27 March 2008

Very beautiful and very nice artwork!

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