Wed, Feb 19, 3:20 AM CST

Benton Shack in B&W

Photography Historical posted on Nov 14, 2006
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Hi everyone! Sorry I've been so scarce lately, but I was training for a new job. I'm happy to say I passed all my tests and will soon be employed by the local school in my town! This could mean no more 100 mile commute, but until I get on full time, I will keep my other job a couple days a week. So I will still be getting some great shots this winter! This is very close to where I live and part of an old historical area where the train used to stop before going to Bodie in the "Gold Rush" days. Thanks for looking in and have a great day!

Comments (27)



12:28PM | Tue, 14 November 2006

I LOVE these photos!! I could just look at this all day! Thank you for sharing this....more more more!!!



12:38PM | Tue, 14 November 2006

Awesome scene, interesting in so many ways. Great shot!!



1:02PM | Tue, 14 November 2006

just beautiful B&W!! and i totaly agree with Newbie Renderer, beautiful Scene!



1:27PM | Tue, 14 November 2006

Perfect choice for making BW!!! So well composed as well!! I love it! YES, more PLEAASEE!! 8;o)



2:24PM | Tue, 14 November 2006

Excellent composition, and B&W enhances mood!



4:31PM | Tue, 14 November 2006

How wonderful, can I move in? What a rugged, lovely spot. Thanks for sharing.



11:09PM | Tue, 14 November 2006

Nice photo! We went to Bodie last summer and it is a photographer paradise....very envious And thank you for sharing....PS love the BW effect



11:39PM | Tue, 14 November 2006

Love the derelict old shacks. Thinking B&W is just right for this. Nice work lighting the forefront. Glad to hear about your tests and job! Congrats!


9:33AM | Thu, 16 November 2006

oh yes, very beautiful picture of landscape and very nice composition B&W!!! Good day ;)



2:48PM | Fri, 17 November 2006

Nice one, so much to see, ;-)



7:11PM | Sun, 19 November 2006

I have to say that it is very cool that you passed your test and you can work closer to home. During the winter the drive can get tricky between Mammoth and Benton lol! Hope to still see you around! I love this shot by the way, really looks good in the B&W! 8-)



12:49AM | Wed, 29 November 2006

Awesome image! m



3:45PM | Thu, 30 November 2006

Superb shot as always, love the sense of isolation in your pictures - good luck with the new job !



6:29AM | Tue, 09 January 2007

no more commute. comgatulations on having passed your test. a wonderful b&w with the dark streak splitting the image into two plains.



8:25PM | Sat, 10 March 2007

mmm....tremendous image contrast blends! I have been to bodie. And glad to hear you have new job without the commute, is it in bishop? keep up the great images like up above k



11:37PM | Thu, 15 March 2007

Timing is everything and this one reflects being at the right place at the right time! I ust love the vairous contrast level, especially how the light breaks through the cloud layer that keeps the hills dark but the forfront light and then again the beautiful switch in contrast just above the ridge on the left side. Thank you for sharing. egmont



1:55AM | Thu, 11 October 2007

Even Adams would nod his head at this one. Exceptional work Bent!!



10:55AM | Sun, 11 November 2007

There yo go girl ! Now that's more like it ! This is a keeper for sure ! B&W still belongs ,great choice ! Very well composed and "pov" you have all three elements in this one ,sky ,water and land , wonderful contrast as well ! I want to move in your area you lucky girl you ! Well done ,my only regret is that i did'nt take it !:) Good old "natural " I just love it ! You get top marks from me on this one !


9:51PM | Sat, 09 February 2008

Wonderful! Dramatic! Image! When I look at it, it seems as if I could touch the shack, the plants, even the ground. Thanks.



10:10PM | Mon, 24 March 2008

as good as it gets



3:27PM | Mon, 17 November 2008

I can just hear Ansel Adams roling over in his grave, moaning with envy over your image. An absolute delight!



10:59AM | Thu, 25 December 2008

It is hard to imagine that someone once lived there and tried to make a living in that land. But the picture speaks to the unique beauty of that area, western Nevada I presume. Your shot remids me of the black and white infra-reds of years ago that also used to produce such vivid contrats.



2:26PM | Wed, 31 December 2008

Thanks for stopping by my gallery and saying hi... This is a cool picture. Reminds me of this huge 3 story barn I use to drive past. In the center was a huge hole like something fell from the sky - the whole roof was "bowled"... I had to drive past it a few times to a job I had. I planned on grabbing my camera. as I went to work, I remember thinking the "lighting" is perfect as I drove past it - darn, I forgot my camera... tomorrow, definately I will bring it... On my way home, I drove past it... the owners had demolished it.... This building is in a lot better shape - lol... Yeah, I like to take pictures of the old buildings like this too - when I have a camera - lol HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


8:11PM | Tue, 14 July 2009

wonderful image with clam mood set in. wonderful lighting and shows great textures.



10:07PM | Thu, 19 November 2009

Awesome shot, perfect in B&W



11:34PM | Fri, 01 January 2010

Wonderful composition !!! Perfect shot, excellent in B & W :)5* Happy New Year !!!! Hugs Karin:)



3:02PM | Fri, 16 November 2012

nice landscape and b&w..ciao

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