Tue, May 28, 1:55 PM CDT

Papillon - Butterfly (Iphiclides podalirius) II

Photography Macro posted on Aug 27, 2006
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Photography made with my Nikon D70S and a Tamron lens 18-200 mm. Light, contrast and luminosity corrected with DXO Optic Pro 3.5, and framed with Photoshop 7 Ciao my friends !!! At first I would like to thanks each of you for all your comments and messages, it was a so kind surprise. I don't want to make a long serie of this wonderful Butterfly found some weeks ago when I was on the Peninsula of Giens with Magali (Laelia) and her son Daniel (ElectronInk). But as I told you, it was a very warm afternoon, and maybe as Magali wrote, this beauty was at the end of his life.... That's the reason why we could made so many shots of him, in each position. Then i've chose 3 other shots to complete my serie. It's a "Iphiclides podalirius" ("Flamb

Comments (29)



2:13PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

superbe collage de ces merveilleux papillons ! Bravo !



2:49PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Wow!!! 3 superbes macros!!!! J'aime particuliement la 2 et la 3 (pour les couleurs du fond), les angles sont magnifiques et quelle nettetnouveau! Bravo Nathalie!!!! et gros gros bisous



2:59PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

OOOOOH!!! These are just gorgeous Nathalie!!! ALL THREE EVEN!!!! Amazing colors and quality. And taken with the 18-200mm...thats not even a macro is it? Thats just soooo impressive! Congratulations my friend. Have a wonderful day....and thank you. #:O)



3:10PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Tr tr haute qualit!!!



3:12PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Oh all three are just amazingly beautiful! I have seen so few large or even small butterflies this year. Your images have such clarity and wonderful colors. He looks like he may have been posing for you. He is or was a beauty! Well done!


3:13PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Toi aussi tu dois martiriser ces pauvres papillons. Je suis sur que tu les colles la super glue sur les fleurs de fan ce qu'ils ne bougent plus !!! Sinon, comment pourrais-tu avoir une telle nettet J'adore les 3, mais la 2 en particulier oavec son regard en coin, il a l'air de dire "qu'est ce tu'm veux toi ???". Chapeau bas pour ces beaux papillons !!! Zoubi.



3:34PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Ciao Nathalie, superbe collage. I have never seen this butterfly before. Such clarity, a total joy :-) I thank you. Di.



3:35PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Excellentes macros Nathalie, nous on est avare, on en met qu'une a la fois!(il faut dire que je ne sais pas comment mettre plusieurs photos sur une page!) tu vois j'ai encore pas mal de boulot pour apprendre a me servir de photoshop, me si Christine et Jome m'ont bien aid excellente soir et gros bisous!



3:52PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Wonderful shots and colors, I especially like the bottom two and the crispness is awesome. Very nice shots, all 3 of em LOL.



4:14PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Extraordinary triplet my friend ! Love these huge macros.



4:22PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Wonderful photos of this beautiful butterfly specimen.



4:23PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Woww !! Tu l'as bien reprentle gentil papillon qui nous a fait le "mannequin" de mode Bisous Lali



4:25PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

CIAO!!!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!Absolutely a amazing and extraordinary macro!!I love very much these excellent and breathtaking shots!!Stunning colors, very impressive details and exceptional quality!!As alwayd you realized a big masterpiece my dearest friend Nathalie!!I adore also the fine and elegant presentation!!Really well done!! Thank you for sharing these pure wonder!!I wish you a serene night and a wonderful week!!A big kiss and a big hug!!



4:31PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Wonderfully captured Giancarlo would be proud!!



4:40PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Tr tr joli tout . La 1e photo un gros daut: la mise au point n'est me pas sur la te, et , choque beaucoup. Si tu veux qu'on voie bien les ailes, ok, mais il faut inclure jusqu'aux yeux dans la zone de nettet Les 2 autres sont parfaites artistiquement et techniquement.


5:47PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

very nice collage, I like this butty


6:17PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

Very nice collection of shots here. Think it was posing a little bit for you? Look forward to more of your pics.


7:55PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

superbe tes pic nath!! ..bravo pour ton beau travail!! xox :)



10:11PM | Sun, 27 August 2006

wow you doing so good with these butterflys shot. real cool looking



4:33AM | Mon, 28 August 2006




8:32AM | Mon, 28 August 2006

Rho! C'est beau! J'adore les dails une fois l'image en grand!!!! C'est couper le souffle !!!!! Tu est vraiment dou pour la photo!!!!!!! J't'adore, bises Dan. V


10:16AM | Mon, 28 August 2006

wowwwwwwwwww, j'adore ce montage 3 shot de papillons, c'est vraiment superbe ma belle!!!!!! Bisousssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss



4:31AM | Tue, 29 August 2006

Truly beautiful captures!



6:30AM | Tue, 29 August 2006

Qui si pusolo dire "Uno splendore"!!!!!!!!!!!!bravissima come sempre!!Ciao



1:35PM | Tue, 29 August 2006

A splendid collage, each capture wonderful in itself.



9:47AM | Wed, 30 August 2006

wow, fantastic!!!



10:12AM | Wed, 30 August 2006

Wonderful composition, love that PATIENCE, "I hate it when they fly away..." :P


2:42PM | Fri, 01 September 2006

Tr joli triptyque, bravo Nathalie !



1:00AM | Tue, 27 March 2007

Quel montage et quelles photos superbes. Tu rssis particuliement bien les photos animalies cest un genre difficile. Bravo

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