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Photography Atmosphere/Mood posted on Aug 07, 2006
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Beach of my town... capture at the sunrise... after a week of rain and thunderstorm. this is the reason of the perfect order and the assence of people. thanks for your time... sorry my time for comments and surf in the gallery isn't enought... hope to find it soonest! have a super week! may

Comments (32)



1:09AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

I have seen nothing like this before in person.. I love it! and the clouds are amazing! Great shot!



1:11AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

WOW!! Reminds me of Chicago Beatch Hotel in DUBAI!! They have 5,000 seats just like this at one of their open air beatches :) Lovely shot MAY.. And it is crisp/sharp as hell.. Love the water and the clouds.. You are amazing tho.. Thank you for the share and have a nice day/night JOE BTW: This is 5/5 for sure..Sigh!



1:28AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Awesome postwork May! Beautiful looking sky. Perfect in every single way. Have a wonderful monday! #:O)



1:29AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Wow what an awsome arrangement of chairs ... great shot and great clouds to boot ... wheres wally ??



1:48AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

I didn't think it was real.Gee,I wish they provided chairs at our beach...would make things a whole lot easier!Lovely capture,May.Love the somewhat surreal quality you've given it.



1:57AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Nobody around... was it 4:00 in the morning or so ? Like others, I really like this very effective composition ! Well seen & captured, May ! :~)



1:59AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Very tidy beach with a smashing sky, Well done!



2:02AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Someone yelled 'Shark' and everyone left! Fantastic picture. Amazing clarity and depth.



2:14AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

I don't see any beatches at this beach (lol!), but nice pic none the less. Almost mistook it for a render at first.



2:19AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Excellent idea to take this photo early in the morning. Very nice sceane, very interesting and unusual view of a beatch, magical light and mood !



2:35AM | Mon, 07 August 2006




5:07AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

What country is that. It looks so ordered I thought the image had been done with a computer at first. Really wierd colours. Very striking.



6:59AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

great idea ! excellent done !



7:43AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

What a bizarre (and intriguing) scene! Excellent juxtaposition of the beach with its bright, parti-colored furniture with that amazingly ominous sea and sky! FIVE STARS



8:24AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Wonderful composition! Now that's art. I can see this on the wall in a museum exibition. Super!



8:33AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Brilliant Capture..Exciting and Very Coool



8:36AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

What I like is all the little spots of colour of the umbrellas and chairs. And that they are all so well aligned. It makes it so interesting, the contrast with the dark sky and all. Wonderful shot! I love it.


9:07AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

wowwwwwwwww, excellent picture and sublim composition color and your presentation is perfectly too!!! Well done my friend!!! I hope you have a lovely and nice day, hugs ;)



10:01AM | Mon, 07 August 2006

An amazing photo. I've never seen a beach all set up with lounge chairs and umbrellas. Where is this? Just curious. A beautiful sky in this photo.



1:28PM | Mon, 07 August 2006

OMG I LOVE THIS MAY!!! ...(on vacation and doing my best not to comment at my Moms house in michagab here) lol as i am trying to take a break but i must comment on this your work is brilliant i must say and inspirational to me ..., this is an incredible shot !! BRAVO!!!...that sky coupled with all the colors of those beach chairs what a dream !!



1:42PM | Mon, 07 August 2006

wow, what a super super work!!!! excellently done!!! :)



5:37PM | Mon, 07 August 2006

Wonderful and excellent capture !!! Bravo :)



5:26AM | Tue, 08 August 2006

love the sand



4:43PM | Tue, 08 August 2006

Excellent snap, looks very stormy.



2:23PM | Wed, 09 August 2006

Awesome postwork on this one May....Beautiful work!!!



1:15AM | Mon, 14 August 2006

what a champion image... ready to go at it!!!!



11:42AM | Thu, 17 August 2006

Ormai ci hai abituati a lavori di grande qualitma a mio parere questa una foto eccellente, complimenti. great work



2:40AM | Fri, 18 August 2006

The tonal transition might be a little drastic for my taste but regardless, this is one kick ass shot!!!!



9:55PM | Sat, 19 August 2006

I really love this one! The light and colors are simply awesome. The scene is somehow surreal. Fantastic photograph!



3:46PM | Fri, 25 August 2006

This must be the beach were they shot that Pink Floyd album cover, heheh. Gorgeous and surreal.

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