Mon, Feb 10, 3:01 AM CST

Lofoten # 1

Photography Landscape posted on Aug 03, 2006
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Hiya gang!!!! #:o) As some of you might know already, i

Comments (70)



3:31PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

I'm going to go and cry in my corner now :'( This is amazing mate and truly not fair lol :P I thought my gallery was starting to look good but thanks for reminding me that it's nothing compared to what's out there lol :'( This is amazing! Surely you have sold this shot already? sigh you Rock mate! Thanks for sharing! Hope you have fun with the chores! ;)



3:32PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Great landscape,very good shot!!Capta perfectamente la belleza del lugar!Saludos,Zacko!!



3:35PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Sooooo beautiful Andreas, and your beloved mist to greet you! Get dusting & hoovering, rapid kiddo! I miss your work and rambles as much :-) Hugs, pet. So glad you had a good time and are home SAFE!! Di.



3:36PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Truly gorgeous countryside!! More!!



3:37PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

welcome home Mr. Z.....this place you from another world from me..good to have you back..


3:50PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Look at those clouds! Beautiful image.



3:51PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Hello!**** Hello!**** Hello!**** Hello!**** . Lovely colors and lighting ==== A wonderful image you have made here ==== Excellent work ==== Have an awesome day ==== () I sing and sings you Hello! Hello !!!!!!!! . Hello!**** Hello!**** Hello!**** Hello!****


3:54PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Holy moly! You're back and bad as ever! Wow, what a great image, Andreas. Such gorgeous color and depth. You make me seriously glad my eyeballs still work!!! The clouds clinging along the mountain base are just spectacular - and I hope your vacation was too. Welcome back - you've been missed!



3:57PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

YES!!! A perfectly awesome shot and one I'd be proud to hang on my wall!! HUGS! :0)



3:57PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

such a beautiful view ! Bravo !



4:01PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Wonderful image Andreas



4:03PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

a very beautiful place,very enjoyed



4:06PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Beautiful ! It looks like some places in Ireland, or Scotland... A magnificent postcard here... Let us see more of this fantastic place, Andreas ! :~)



4:06PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Had to go to the full size view to make sure that's what I thought it was, that being the red house out there. What a place to live! Love the mountain clouds.



4:12PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! Finally you are back Andreas!! Welcome back bro.. And another LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @ KAI and crying at the corner :)) Ain't he silly! :)) Nice shot here my friend, with real bueatiful POV!! Excellent colours and details.. Just a super beautiful place and needs a visit :) Thank you for the share Andreas and have a super day my friend JOE



4:20PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Hello i remember Lofoten,great experience and beautiful landscape with very strong colors.


4:25PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Beautiful picture indeed. The low clouds (volcanic?) and the moutains in the background are awsome. Great shot. Also, welcome back.



4:27PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

If this is a taste of what's to come buddy, let me just say I don't see how I could get sick of images like this. It looks like a truly beautiful and natural place. MORE, MORE, MORE!!! =]



4:48PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

My god you've got talent. That is Ansel Adams level good. Wistful, as if from another world. bows to the master



4:54PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Glad your back, Andreas...........and no..........we never tire of your awesome shots!!!!!!!!! This is very cool!!!!! It looks like you could walk off the edge of the earth, or some great chasem!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to more and give Eija a hug for me!!!!!!!!!!!



5:01PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Talk about "sigh." So pristine and untouched-by-human-hands! And, up pretty high, there, matey. Were you wearing an oxygen mask when you snapped that gem? A superb shot, making us all look bad, as usual. As for hard drive space, you can always pick up and plug in an external 500GB device. That should hold you over for a while.



5:03PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

This type of references.. make me want more to work about photography.. and learn every day.. Beautiful... and What more i can say after read the earlier comments?. SIIIIIIIGHHHHH



5:08PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Your lanscapes are always so splendid ! Also your other types of photos indeed...


5:19PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Beautiful norway - really, you will ever love it, great scenery!!! We're looking forward to the other 899 pictures...;_)))



5:34PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

This is gorgeous, Andrea! Hope you brought back lots of wonderful memories. You'll be busy for days going through all those pictures! You have a great eye for a great shot. My compliments!



5:41PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

CIAOOOOOO!!!!!!WOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!I am really very happy of your return my dearest and sweet Andreas!!!Welcome!!Finally we can admire again your masterpieces!!This your last shot is really a remarkable and sublime masterpiece!!I love really a lot this wonderful scenery of dream!! Fabulous place full of magic!!You have captured it in exceptional manner!!As always you are a big artist really talented my dearest friend Andreas!!Thank you for sharing this excellent work!!I wish you aserene night and a wonderful day!!A enormous kiss and a hugs galore all for you!!Welcome again!!



6:05PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

I know from another person that use to post here, it is an awesome place for breath taking scenery. a photographers haven



6:21PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Jag vet, mig vet. Min svenska stankar, men du verkar alltid f att tycka om den smycket, tkte jag att jag skade g den igen. Jag hoppas dig kan fstatt mig denna tid minstone bet lite, lol. Pnot st s,vkommna tillbaka Andrea!!! LOL.Sorry.Jag kunde inte hjpa sig mig. Han baaaaaaaaaaaaaaksida! Yaaaaaaaay! Sucka och marvel p och med mer hlig arbete f att oss ska kippa. Shligt! Se det mycket smhuset och de ursnygg la moln och svast och pet. Vilka ursnygg, ursnygg flger. Du fotograferade denna perfekt, den min vnen. Absolut enormt och mig ser framriktat till att se mer fotograferar fr ditt snubblar. Jag positiv att alla de skar den oerhda rtvisa not liknande denna. Det gott att ha dig baksida,ung man.LOL.Du har missas. - M :^) Edit:Oooh!I ran this back in the translator,and it says 'missas' is 'failed'!I sooo didn't mean you failed!LOL.I meant 'missed'!You were missed!And even though 'baksida' apparently translates correctly to 'back' it still looks rather suspicious,lol.So please know I am only trying to say,'welcome back' and not be mentioning any part of yours or anyone's anatomy,lol.-Your svenska-challenged friend,Marlene :^/


7:18PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

Nice colors makes me think of times when I was young and visiting my uncle on his farm. :)



7:47PM | Thu, 03 August 2006

This place is just awesome. Love the low clouds or clouds on this high mountain. Beautiful and welcome back. Aloha

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