Fri, May 17, 5:46 AM CDT

Trow Crash-Site Discussion

Poser Science Fiction posted on Jan 09, 2006
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Narchi had hoped he was the first to the crash-site. The spear-point waving around a couple of inches from is nose told him otherwise. It was a Firetown Trow. There was a couple of tribes of them running wild within the Firetown borders. The whole of what became Firetown was abandoned two hundred years ago when the war between Adamesh and Balaam reached it's thermo-nuclear conclusion. Hundreds of square miles were abandoned when the remaining twelve dirty warheads impacted on the Balaamese surface. The Trow, who were bred to be almost immune to radiation, simply moved into the human-free zone. Narchi looked sympathetically at the downed pilot. She was in bad shape. She pulled off her breather and gasped, bloodily at the smoky atmosphere. The smoke was dying out, because the grass was still damp from the previous night's rain. The Trow woman waved her spear in Narchi's face, and regarded him with dumb-founded confusion. "Stop! What do you want here? You...uh...person you!" Narchi put up his hands and said reasonably, "My name is Narchi. I came to see if I could ...HELP the pilot!" He bit off 'salvage the wreck' because the situation was so volatile. He smiled at her and asked, "What's you name,pretty Lady?" "I'm not telling my name to the first horny ..DISCARD that strolls up and waves his name in my face!" She exclaimed angrily. Narchi sweated profusely. He was so happy he had dressed for this occasion. He wasn't stabbed-to-death yet. "What the are you talking about?" He changed his language. He knew he was in trouble and had to choose his words carefully. "I am an un-married woman. I'm not telling my name to any strange male who strolls up! AND--I am MOST CERTAINLY NOT calling you by name, either.....uhmmmm, Hat-man!" She seemed to be trying to reason her way around her upbringing to not talk to unmarried men. He groaned. He had forgotten the wieird cultural practises of the Trow. He sighed and shook his head. "Alright. Ah, alright then. You can call me 'hat-man' and I guess I'll call you....'pretty lady'. Oh-kay?" He looked over her shoulder and started laughing. He couldn't help it. Her mount, a rough-looking Garundel yearling, had slipped his bridle and was heading at high-speed towards parts unknown. "Oops! Look over there! Your ride is riding away without you!" He chortled. The girl on the groud picked up her head and looked and gasped out painfully, "Wow. That thing is FAST. Mt name is Ahrini. You surface-people are odd." The unnamed Trow woman spun on her heel and stared unbelieving as her mount ran off into the sunset without her. She shook her spear at it and shouted helplessly, "Demons of darkness take you, you miscongeneation of stupidity!" She looked about ready to curse a blue-streak or cry, when Narchi said sympathetically, "I've been there before." She turned back and glared at him. He smiled and said quietly, "Alone in a strange place, surrounded by strangers, and no where to spend the night, except in dangerous places. I didn't mean to laugh. It was just funny to me that you were trying to scare me off and scared off your ride instead. The Trow girl gritted her teeth and muttered, "Aw, shit." Narchi nodded and moved around her to check on Ahrini. Narchi said quietly, "Sometimes....that's all you can say." Media is Poser 6 After a 'Bluescreen of Death'. I got Windows repaired, but lost the poser files I was working on were corrupted. These two were done just before the PC went blooey! Neblae and her mount were lost into the digital abyss. I'm reconstructing files this week from hardcopy notes I took on her construction! Hardcopy back-up saves the day! :rofl: WHatever! LOL

Comments (3)



7:28AM | Mon, 09 January 2006

Very interest scene and great render!!!



7:42PM | Mon, 09 January 2006

I love these characters, they have so much personality :) __ali x


10:54AM | Tue, 10 January 2006

Very cool little aliens, nicely done!

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