Fri, Feb 14, 6:00 AM CST

burning sands

Terragen Landscape posted on Sep 22, 2005
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Hi folks, thanks for all your comments, much appreciated! Jay, this one is for you, i hope you like it :D.

Comments (55)



4:13AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Beautiful terrain, excellent work on surfaces and textures!



4:14AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Fantastic terrain. Superlative surface work as usual and nice sky integration. Excellent!



4:18AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

marvelous ! fantastic !



4:19AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

wow..amazing...terragen at its best.ultra realistic.. Vote !!!


4:30AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Toll...!!! (Die Risse vielleicht den Terrainproportionen anpassen ;)



4:35AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

er den Detailreichtum deiner Bilder muss man ja nix mehr sagen... Sieht schwer nach World Machine aus, sch 'abgenagte' Erosionsfurchen, klasse Licht und schnuckliges Crackleoverlay im Vordergrund - wieder ein Kandidat f die vorderen Reihen der Top 100!

worlds end

4:37AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Outstanding work!! Top notch terrain!


4:48AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Very beautiful render, of course, but in my humble opinion edges of terrain are too much visible, and cracks are out of scale (way too big, comparing to landforms)



5:03AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

The cracks aren't really realistic at that scale, but other than that the texturing is phenomenal. Especially on the left side, the subtle drifts of sand. And in the middle-left, the fine details in the terrain and texturing combine to create near perfect realism. Really impressive!


5:05AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Great work!!!


5:33AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

sprachlos knchen drkt Geinale surface und Texturen. Der Detailgrad ist in jeder Hinsicht schierer Wahnsinn!! Excellent!



5:56AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Just supurb work. =o !!! Jay will surely like this. V!



6:10AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Wonderbare Gestaltung der Landschaft, POV, genial surface/textur und tolle Wolken! Sehr sche Arbeit!V



6:30AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

always improving! loads of detail and enough effort to give you a headache - excellent work! vote


6:58AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Yikes! Speachless


7:03AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

ebenfalls sprachlos ;)



7:19AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

could you please do something less impressive (you are acting like Lutz)? getting depressive watching always this perfect pics. ;-)



7:35AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Thanks Pascal! I'm Honored! Terrain and Surfaces work for me just fine. Of course we Rookies are still learning right? Perhaps some of the experts here could create an image with overlays and show us how it's done. BTW! Congrats on the AOM Nomination! "This Clicks for You!"


8:05AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Please, don't take what I wrote today for you, dear! You are one of the exceptions I mention in this little village! Splendid work!



9:10AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Superb, lots to love here, terrain is excellent and detailed, the overlays are well done, especially the rippling sand and the surfaces colors are fantastic. Bravo and congratulations on a well-deserved nomination for AOM.



10:07AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

I like this terrain alot (though I also agree with Olivier about the crack scale)still that does not detract from the overall feel of this excellent render...surfaces and colours are spot on!:)


10:44AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Just plain awesome; outstanding in every respect.



11:12AM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Klasse Terrain und Textur. Man kann die Hitze richtig spen!



12:35PM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Amazing so amazing that i could say lol that's absolutelu out of mind!! Top work!!



1:14PM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Fantastic terrain,beautiful sky!!!Superb work!!!


1:21PM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Awesome work!!!! Congratulations for your AOM indication!!! More one in T20?!!!!"click"


1:57PM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Absoluter Detailknaller wie immer! Die Sand-Surface mit allem drum und dran ist mal wieder eine der besten dich ich je gesehen habe;)Die Me f all die feinen Details zahlt sich am Ende aus machen mal wieder den Unterschied zwischen gut und sensationell!V



2:21PM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Beautiful terrain, textures and POV ! Bravo!



3:37PM | Thu, 22 September 2005

Impressive work and a beautiful view !



3:44PM | Thu, 22 September 2005

These overlay effects are outstanding as is the entire picture. I find nothing here to criticize. If I did, I would be sure to offer remedies. This is an excellent depiction of a summit.

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