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Subject: Gallery-- UPDATE!

hopeandlove ( ) posted Fri, 13 November 2015 at 11:44 AM · edited Sun, 12 May 2024 at 9:52 PM

Hey everyone--

So, I have some good news for you. In terms of the gallery, you'll see images load a bit faster. Also, we've been working on the images in the gallery itself, so over the next week, you'll see the images with a higher quality. But, right now, you might see some that are on the lower side because there are SO many images in the gallery.

Thanks so much for your dedication and for being a member at Renderosity! We appreciate each and everyone of you!


Hope Kumor

Editor-in-chief of Renderosity Magazine

RodS ( ) posted Fri, 13 November 2015 at 8:24 PM

That's great.

Now can you get the thumbnails in the 'activity feed' working? All I get are gray broken link icons now, Others are having the same problem.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage

RodS ( ) posted Sat, 14 November 2015 at 1:14 AM

I have spent the last 45 minutes trying to upload an image to the gallery. When I hit the upload button, the description, vendor credits and everything else was just blown away because the thumbnail was 328 pixels wide. Apparently, I was supposed to just know that Rendo had changed the thumbnail size AGAIN, since it takes far too much effort to LET US KNOW when changes like this are made. Did I miss an announcement somewhere??

And can't you come up with a way to NOT blow away everything that an artist has spent the last 30 minutes entering if a mistake is made? That is EXTREMELY annoying to have to start from scratch.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage

auntietk ( ) posted Sat, 14 November 2015 at 6:35 PM

I've gone to a lot of trouble to make my thumbnails 500x500 in order to have consistency in my gallery. I realize there isn't anything I can do about the way the galleries in general look, but I can at least make my own gallery look tidy. Now you've changed the thumbnail size to 300 wide x 200-500 tall.

You know, if the programmers are bored and are looking for things to change, I've still got a list of things that are about the functionality of the website, rather than random size-change stuff!

note to self - add thumbnail size to list


"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

RodS ( ) posted Sat, 14 November 2015 at 7:35 PM · edited Sat, 14 November 2015 at 7:37 PM

You go, girl!! .. And we haven't even gotten into MY list yet.... LOL

I guess the programmers didn't have all this stuff figured out BEFORE inflicting this 'revolution' on us?? ...sigh...

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage

RodS ( ) posted Sat, 14 November 2015 at 10:37 PM

Tonight I uploaded another image to the gallery. After FIVE attempts to get everything right, I just gave up and left it as is. Out of 5 vendor credits, only TWO show up. I repeatedly had to re-upload both the thumbnail and the image to get this stupid new system to use the THUMBNAIL instead of the entire image. This is completely ridiculous.

I know you're probably sick of hearing from me, and think all I do is complain. Well, I'm sorry. But you took a working system, that was EASY to use, EASY to upload images to the gallery, EASY to give credit to the vendors, and made it a nightmare to use. You chided me in another post because I said you don't listen. Yes, some positive changes have been made in the areas of gallery image size, and several other aspects. And that is appreciated. But still, every time I try to use this site, something else has changed, and not for the better. Do you need to be reminded that it's US - the members you say you appreciate - that buy from the vendors, and provide income for them and this website??

Please don't make the mistake of believing that those of us who take the time to vent our frustrations here, and bring all these issues to your attention are doing so just to complain or make you feel bad. We do it because we CARE about this site. Speaking for myself, if I didn't care, I'd just delete my gallery and go elsewhere. I wouldn't continue to purchase stuff from your marketplace, and I certainly wouldn't have renewed my Prime membership. I'm pretty sure the others who post here and try to get you to understand feel the same.

Can you PLEASE get these issues looked at (and hopefully fixed)?

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage

CavalierLady ( ) posted Sun, 15 November 2015 at 8:26 AM

I can live with the fact that thumbnails have now been changed to 300 pixels wide. Like Tara, some of us create our own thumbnails rather than allowing the site's upload algorithms to automatically create them. But it would have been nice to have been given warning of the changes beforehand.

I have to wonder to myself if the programmers are aware of the basics of photography and image resizing.

If I do a print screen of the photography gallery and then crop one of the thumbnails, it works out to approximately 432 pixels wide. That is nearly half again larger than the required thumbnail size of 300 pixels wide. The previous 500 pixel wide thumbnail was perfect, imho.

If I do a print screen of the image of any photograph posted in the photography gallery, after clicking the thumbnail and WITHOUT clicking to zoom in on an image, the print screen crop works out to approximately 1312 pixels wide. If people are not aware of this, smaller image uploads created to be smaller than that size are automatically stretched to that 1312 pixel wide size. If a person clicks on that image again to view in zoom, then the image is stretched again to be seen nearly all the way across the computer screen.

This merely stretches the existing pixels across a larger plane and causes image degradation. One of the first things that photographers learn is that one can resize an image down, but never resize a smaller image up because the software or viewer extrapolates the existing pixels across a larger area. Stretching, for example, a 1000 pixel wide image to the approximate 1312 pixel wide image we see when viewing images in the gallery will never be as clear and sharp as the originally created image. After figuring this out, I came to the realization that I would need to change all my normally created 1200 p. images to be larger than 1300 pixels wide, and if I want the image to look halfway decent when zoomed, I would have to create the images to be much larger than that, perhaps 1700 or 1800 pixels. wide.

It would have been a conscientious and polite effort on the part of the forum and moderators to inform people of these facts when changing the site's layout back in August or when these newer 'tweaks' to the site's functionality were made. Thankfully, because of the greatly increased image size allowances (and we do appreciate this change!), we can increase the size of the images we create so that they will look better when zoomed. But when images are automatically resized up from 300 to 432 pixels, we have no control over the loss of image quality we strived to create in the first place. It doesn't make that much difference on a very small thumbnail, but it does make a difference on a 'regular' or zoomed image.

It's just the principle of the matter that we work very hard to learn how to take photographs at the best quality we are capable of, yet the quality of the images posted show definite lack of quality because of factors we cannot control. Like RodS said, we care about this site - I've been posting here since 2002 - it's been my home away from home for 13 years. It's the only place I post my photos online and I have made many friends over these many years. I still love this site, and am saddened that so many talented folks have decided to find other outlets for their images, because of changes they disliked. That's my two cents on the recent changes.

Richardphotos ( ) posted Sun, 15 November 2015 at 9:59 AM

I noticed the activity feed is gone. it was here earlier. maybe it will be ebots now?

hopeandlove ( ) posted Sun, 15 November 2015 at 11:14 AM

Hey folks-- I'm really sorry about this other stuff that has come up! I'll look into this!!

Hope Kumor

Editor-in-chief of Renderosity Magazine

auntietk ( ) posted Sun, 15 November 2015 at 7:17 PM

So I uploaded an image, and my thumbnail is 300 x 300, rather than the 500 x 500 I've been making since the "Revolution." Guess what? 300 x 300 is the EXACT SAME SIZE on the screen as 500 x 500!


I say this in the most respectful and helpful way, of course.


"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

Richardphotos ( ) posted Mon, 16 November 2015 at 6:43 AM

"Currently no products available" is what I got after adding only two credits 11-16-2015 6:35 AM

hopeandlove ( ) posted Mon, 16 November 2015 at 4:53 PM

RodS posted at 4:51PM Mon, 16 November 2015 - #4238536

OK - I've just about had enough....... I just spent 30 minutes trying to upload an image to the gallery.... After writing the description, and spending 20 minutes adding all the credits, my upload was rejected for the thumbnail being over 300 pixels wide. The requirements as stated on the upload page are:

"The thumbnail will be automatically generated on upload if left blank Width: 300px, Height: (Minimum - 200px, Maximum - 500px)"

My thumbnail was 328 pixels wide. WHAT is going on?? Did you change things again?? Could you at least let us know, and CHANGE THE WORDING ON THE UPLOAD PAGE??

You thank us for being dedicated members, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to do when you keep changing things like this that only adds to the frustration level.

Hey Rod-- by chance, when you uploaded, did you use a JPG or a PNG file?

Hope Kumor

Editor-in-chief of Renderosity Magazine

hopeandlove ( ) posted Mon, 16 November 2015 at 4:55 PM

"Tonight I uploaded another image to the gallery. After FIVE attempts to get everything right, I just gave up and left it as is. Out of 5 vendor credits, only TWO show up. I repeatedly had to re-upload both the thumbnail and the image to get this stupid new system to use the THUMBNAIL instead of the entire image. This is completely ridiculous." Rod

@Rod-- Which two didn't show up?

Hope Kumor

Editor-in-chief of Renderosity Magazine

RodS ( ) posted Mon, 16 November 2015 at 8:34 PM

Hi, Hope,

To the first question, it would be a JPG. I never upload PNGs. The first time I tried it was 328 pixels wide. I resized it to 300 X 200 and tried again (after re-writing my entire narrative). It posted, but instead of using the thumbnail, it auto-generated one using the entire image. I went into the 'edit' feature, and re-uploaded the thumb and image again. Still, it didn't use the thumbnail, but the entire image. Tried a third time - this time it used the thumbnail.

To the second question, I honestly don't remember, but I know I had five vendor credits - and after 5 tries, I just gave up and left it as is. The image is:

The two credits that worked are Abandoned Places by -Applejack- and Selene Hair by Mairy. One of the missing credits would be Plus3D who also did the Selene Hair. I think one of the other missing ones is the Killer Catsuit by Exnem... I don't remember who the third missing one was.

I had the same problems with getting the thumbnail to work on this one, too. If you look at my narrative, you'll see I described the difficulty I had getting everything to work right. I was just a tad tense when I typed it.

Honestly - why did they have to change things again? It WAS working until they decided to restrict the thumbs to 300 pixels. I can live with the thumbnail size requirements, I just wish whoever keeps changing stuff would just leave things alone, and find another pastime... Creating art, maybe....

Thanks for looking into this. Rod

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage

auntietk ( ) posted Wed, 18 November 2015 at 5:54 PM

The image I uploaded this afternoon with its 300 x 300 thumb actually posted with a full-sized thumb, so I had to edit my post and re-do the 300 x 300 thumb.

Please fix this!!


"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

RodS ( ) posted Wed, 18 November 2015 at 7:08 PM

Herein lies one of the biggest issues at Rendo that gets people upset.....

  1. A problem crops up.
  2. Several members post to notify the admins of the problem. Some vent rather voraciously (usually me).
  3. Eventually an Admin posts a message saying they're sorry, and they'll look into this, or they'll pass it along to the programmers.
  4. Nothing changes for two weeks or longer.
  5. Someone gets frustrated and vents even more voraciously (usually me).
  6. An Admin posts a couple questions.
  7. The questions are answered.
  8. Nothing happens again.
  9. The problems persist.
  10. Rewind to # 5

And on, and on.

Can we PLEASE get some action on this issue?

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage

Giana ( ) posted Fri, 20 November 2015 at 7:44 PM

having not bothered to upload anything since whatever new fun and fangled changes have occurred, i will note that i've noticed that several images whenst i click into them look slightly blurry now. i click further in to 'view full size', and things are no longer blurry, but nor is the 'full size' image any different in size than what was displayed only one click in - i'm not understanding this, nor what is causing it, though i AM finding it all rather annoying and giving me cause to put yet another notch in my 'i'm so extremely disillusioned & disenchanted' belt regarding this site...

@ RodS - i refer to your post above as the 'wash, rinse, repeat' cycle that seems to persist here, and in case i've failed to mention, i despise doing laundry ;)

RodS ( ) posted Fri, 20 November 2015 at 9:51 PM

Yeah, it would be a real treat if we could advance to the dryer... Or at least the clothesline! :-D

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage

volovo ( ) posted Tue, 08 December 2015 at 12:52 AM

all Images above site 200 in every genre and section is a blanc Screen - newest to oldest, best Ratings ... all, nothing to see at site 201 and higher !!!!!!

hopeandlove ( ) posted Tue, 08 December 2015 at 9:54 AM

Are you guys still having issues uploading a thumbnail?

Hope Kumor

Editor-in-chief of Renderosity Magazine

RodS ( ) posted Tue, 08 December 2015 at 8:05 PM

hopeandlove posted at 7:02PM Tue, 08 December 2015 - #4243157

Are you guys still having issues uploading a thumbnail?

It comes and goes, Hope. Sometimes it works properly, sometimes it doesn't. Last time I uploaded an image the thumb worked fine. The time before that, it just auto-generated a thumb from the whole image even though I uploaded a 300 X 300 thumb. I had to go back in and edit twice, then it worked.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage

Michael_C ( ) posted Wed, 09 December 2015 at 3:58 PM

I checked my gallery today and found that a number of thumbnail images I'd uploaded in August, September, and October are now showing only a broken image icon (little x in IE, little jagged line in Firefox). These appeared fine when I first uploaded the images. I've looked at my copies of the thrumbnails and can find no qualitative/quantitative difference from other thumbnails I loaded during the same period. All were 300x200. So I tried reloading several without success and then let the system generate a thumbnail, which apparently worked. However I found that ALL my vendor credits disappeared after the edit. I don't recall this ever happening when I've done edits in the past. This is really annoying because I really like to give credit and because that is the most time-consuming part of the image posting process.

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