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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Jun 16 8:21 pm)

Subject: V4-WM is Here!

anupaum ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 11:20 AM

It doesn't seem to matter.  I can't get VSS to work AT ALL right now . . .

wimvdb ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 11:36 AM

Quote - RobynsVeil...

about Poser "forgetting" the copied joint information...

Did you try from the menu Edit > Memorize > Figure immediately after copying the joint info from V4WM to your clothing figure?

This might solve the problem. 

For those who have the problem with saving the joint zones in the Pz3 - Did you use SR1?

I have no problems saving the joint zones - If I load the scene after a restart, all the joint zones are as I have left them


hborre ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 11:39 AM · edited Fri, 27 January 2012 at 11:40 AM

The image is not as clear as I would like it; are those asterisk at the beginning and end of each rule?

Also check the Mat naming for the texture you wish to apply.

anupaum ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 11:44 AM


> Quote - The image is not as clear as I would like it; are those asterisk at the beginning and end of each rule? > > Also check the Mat naming for the texture you wish to apply.

Those are quotation marks.  It worked just fine in the past.  The only thing I believe is different is that I've upgraded to the SR1 version of PPro 2012.

However, using Robyn's method, I converted the original figure and she's wearing her original skin now.


bagginsbill ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 11:46 AM · edited Fri, 27 January 2012 at 11:47 AM

Quote -  ... it appears this method has successfully transformed V4 and also saved my template skin.

Quote - ... I can't get VSS to work AT ALL right now

I'm confused. You had it working for a while, and now it isn't?

As I said in PM to you, VSS doesn't care about the figure itself. It only cares that it is a figure and has material zones for which it has shader rules.

When you say you can't get VSS to work at all, could you be more specific? I interpret your statement to mean not work at all, literally at all. Which means when you can't even get the buttons to load, or perhaps it works a little in that the buttons load, but synchronize doesn't do anything at all, or perhaps it works a little in that it runs and says something, but it doesn't say it is going to synchronize your figure, or it works a little in that it sees your figure, but ...

You see my point? I have no idea where to begin, and at this point, I'm thinking this is one of those cases where you changed two things, and you busted VSS with one of them, but you think it has something to do with the other.

For example, you maybe just moved your entire runtime to another hard drive and have the paths messed up, and you started messing with V4~WM, but the latter has nothing to do with it.

Please elucidate. And do so quickly because I'm going out of town in about three hours.


Renderosity forum reply notifications are wonky. If I read a follow-up in a thread, but I don't myself reply, then notifications no longer happen AT ALL on that thread. So if I seem to be ignoring a question, that's why. (Updated September 23, 2019)

anupaum ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 12:04 PM

Ah, I'll be clear then!

The buttons load.  The prop loads.  I can successfully set up all the templates for skin, teeth and eyes in the Materials room.  When I hit "synchronize," the Macro 1 window opens up with a message that the script is done, but nothing has actually happened.  There are no changes made to the stock Victoria skin maps.

I've not moved my runtimes.  The only change I've made since I last used VSS was to update to the SR1 version of Poser.  I've used VSS MANY times since upgrading to Poser Pro 2012, and it's always worked flawlessly in the past.  I even tried replacing the prop (in case it had been corrupted) and dumping the temp file, as you did when we first got VSS running on my computer.

I know you're busy, and I very much appreciate your willingness to help me.  But please don't feel obligated.  I've successfully converted the figure to weight mapping with her original VSS skin, so right now I don't have the same sense of urgency about this as I did last evening.  You can deal with my issue as you have time and inclination.

Thank you, and bless you!

ghosty12 ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 12:10 PM

Quote - Here's a minitut.  Feel free to share this as much as you like ;)


Thank you it works a treat though have found that some V4 clothing converts better than others. Had some weird results with some of what I have.

You know you enjoy 3D Art when you realize that your life is a piece of 3D Art. :)

Core I7 8700K, 32GB, RTX 3060 12G, Windows 10 64bit, Poser 9 / Pro 2012 / Pro 2014, Daz Studio 4.20 Pro

Vestmann ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 12:31 PM

Quote - > Quote - Here's a minitut.  Feel free to share this as much as you like ;)


Thank you it works a treat though have found that some V4 clothing converts better than others. Had some weird results with some of what I have.

Thanks Ghosty. It'd be good to know what items are causing problems or at least what kind of items.  Shoes are still a problem and I've had problems with shorts and panties.

 Vestmann's Gallery

Vestmann ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 12:33 PM

Please note there is a bug report thread at Poser Place. I know Mike monitors that thread pretty closely and lets beta testers know of any reports. The thread is here:

 Vestmann's Gallery

grichter ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 12:52 PM

Quote - > Quote - > Quote - Here's a minitut.  Feel free to share this as much as you like ;)


Thank you it works a treat though have found that some V4 clothing converts better than others. Had some weird results with some of what I have.

Thanks Ghosty. It'd be good to know what items are causing problems or at least what kind of items.  Shoes are still a problem and I've had problems with shorts and panties.

I have tried about 6 different shoes and boots by conforming and copying joint centers and have had great success. If I use WW2 or the included script the results are varied from close to a mess. Part of the issue could be if the foot pose for heels just bends the foot and toes or whether it injects a foot morph. I need to loop back and look at one that injects morphs using just copying jpint centers, which previously using the script made a mess of things


"Those who lose themselves in a passion lose less than those who lose their passion"

bagginsbill ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 1:31 PM

Quote - Ah, I'll be clear then!

The buttons load.  The prop loads.  I can successfully set up all the templates for skin, teeth and eyes in the Materials room.  When I hit "synchronize," the Macro 1 window opens up with a message that the script is done, but nothing has actually happened.  There are no changes made to the stock Victoria skin maps.

Still not clear. What did the window say?

You're implying it said this:

------- VSS -------

-- done --

Did it say more than that?

Did it say it was Synchronizing from ?


It would be a good idea if you just copy/paste what it says.

Tick tick.

Renderosity forum reply notifications are wonky. If I read a follow-up in a thread, but I don't myself reply, then notifications no longer happen AT ALL on that thread. So if I seem to be ignoring a question, that's why. (Updated September 23, 2019)

paganeagle2001 ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 2:13 PM

Shoe solutions are being worked on.

All the best.


Who honors those we love for the very life we live?, Who sends monsters to kill us?, and at the same time sings that we will never die., Who teaches us whats real?, and how to laugh at lies?, Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?, Who chains us?, and Who holds the key that can set us free... It's You!, You have all the weapons you need., Now Fight!

paganeagle2001 ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 2:51 PM


A test for WM shoes!!!!!!

All the best,


Who honors those we love for the very life we live?, Who sends monsters to kill us?, and at the same time sings that we will never die., Who teaches us whats real?, and how to laugh at lies?, Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?, Who chains us?, and Who holds the key that can set us free... It's You!, You have all the weapons you need., Now Fight!

RobynsVeil ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 3:46 PM

Quote - You know, I've been hearing of joint setups not saving, morphed figures not saving...even after being saved to the library with Pro 2012. I must say it worries me a lot since I'm gonna be buying it soon...LOL. It's something that SM REALLY needs to fix. I hope they're working on it.


I need to qualify my statement, Laurie. In the context that I am working in - revisiting scenes to convert the characters to weightmapping - certain settings do not appear to be saving. But as was suggested further down the thread, which I haven't tried yet, saving the clothing item after Joint Zones have been copied to them and reloading them into a scene may make the difference.

To be quite honest, even if this is a problem, it's certainly no showstopper. Poser Pro 2012 is so significant an improvement over previous version the upgrade price seems to me a parking ticket. It is the single most significant version of Poser ever. And V4-WM behaves almost like Antonia - lightweight, easy to manage... I'm certainly not a fan (I think she has a weird body, now) but redoing my scenes has been a really enlightening experience from a usability standpoint.

Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2

Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand] 

Metaphor of Chooks

RobynsVeil ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 3:47 PM

Quote - RobynsVeil:

I was suggesting saving the figure and conformed cloths as a CR2 and reloading then saving as a PZ3 and reloading. This would show if saving as a CR2 preserves the joint zones. That would show if the problem is saving in Poser, or just saving to a PZ3. Either way, the Poser Development Team should fix this one quickly.


Good plan, LK... will probably be doing that just to make the clothing more usable.

Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2

Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand] 

Metaphor of Chooks

RobynsVeil ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 3:48 PM

Quote - RobynsVeil...

about Poser "forgetting" the copied joint information...

Did you try from the menu Edit > Memorize > Figure immediately after copying the joint info from V4WM to your clothing figure?

This might solve the problem. 

The idea certainly has merit - thank you for that!! 😄 I'll have a go and see what happens.

Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2

Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand] 

Metaphor of Chooks

ErickL88 ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 4:22 PM · edited Fri, 27 January 2012 at 4:24 PM

Quote - ... saving the clothing item after Joint Zones have been copied to them and reloading them into a scene ...

.. does not make a difference .. well, not on my side at least =).

Joint zones still do not get saved. It appears, that the info just isn't saved, or whatever it is, holding it back.

And you're totally right. It's not a show-stopper at all, a show-slower perhaps, because of the extra clicks, but that's about it already.

This minor issue does nothing in breaking the joy of having a properly bending v4.

With this post here, I also will take the chance of thanking the whole team of v4~WM. Hats off and bowing down. Thank you!

lkendall ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 5:53 PM · edited Fri, 27 January 2012 at 5:54 PM

Morphia, by CDI, is a V4 figure with all of the morphs already injected. She converted very well to MorphiaV4~WM.:thumbupboth:


Probably edited for spelling, grammer, punctuation, or typos.

anupaum ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 6:59 PM

Quote - > Quote - Ah, I'll be clear then!

The buttons load.  The prop loads.  I can successfully set up all the templates for skin, teeth and eyes in the Materials room.  When I hit "synchronize," the Macro 1 window opens up with a message that the script is done, but nothing has actually happened.  There are no changes made to the stock Victoria skin maps.

Still not clear. What did the window say?

You're implying it said this:

------- VSS -------

-- done --

Did it say more than that?

Did it say it was Synchronizing from ?


It would be a good idea if you just copy/paste what it says.

Tick tick.


Sorry!  A local transformer blew and we lost power for several hours. I just got back on.  It does not say it's synchronizing anything, as it normally does.  It only says precisely what I've described.  When I hit the "synchronize" button, the Macro 1 window looks like this:



Nothing else happens.

hborre ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 7:39 PM

Anupaum, I don't want to derail the OP, however, I did run my own VSS on a WM V4 and it does still work.  Weight mapping has not affect it.  But I did find that if the original skin texture nodes are named something other than image_map, then the nodes become disconnected when VSS is synchronized.  I went back into the Mat Room, copied the offending nodes (in my case, the skin texture I was using had Color_map instead of Image_map) and pasted them back.  That will rename them to Image_map.  Reconnect them to the PoserSurface and synchronize again.

But I would double check the original skin texture first.

anupaum ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 8:37 PM

Thank you!  I'll give that a try.  And perhaps we ought NOT be discussing VSS in a V4 weight-mapping thread . . .

estherau ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 8:52 PM

but I thought they were discussing VSS as it applies to V4WM?


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

anupaum ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 8:54 PM

Yes, we were.  However, it's pretty clear that the problem exists on MY end, not with the WM version of V4.  I don't want to clutter the thread with an unrelated problem.

lkendall ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 9:27 PM · edited Fri, 27 January 2012 at 9:30 PM


For those awaiting a weight-mapped male, I tried to the Vittorio morph on V4~WM.

I converted Morphia/V4 to Morphia~WM, and injected V4 basic morphs, Vittorio for V4, M4 Morphs++, and M4 Muscle Morphs. With a lot of tweeking I think I got fair results. I uploaded a render of Vittorio~WM to my gallery.


Probably edited for spelling, grammer, punctuation, or typos.

estherau ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 10:07 PM

not bad.  His legs look a bit odd to me.  Maybe I would expect his ankles and knees to be a bit buliker.  His arms and torso look great!

Love esther


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

lkendall ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 10:12 PM · edited Fri, 27 January 2012 at 10:14 PM

LOL, Vittorio IS a morph of V4. I was trying to come up with a stop-gap solution for those wanting a weight-mapped male figure until M4 can be upgraded. I think that with some work most of the left over female characteristics can be compensated for.


Probably edited for spelling, grammer, punctuation, or typos.

estherau ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 10:29 PM


well maybe.

Love esther


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

basicwiz ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 11:09 PM


i tried running the V4 WM files against M4 and got better results than you might think. The4 main issues are at the hips and shoulders, of course, but the V4 weaight map might actually have some use as a starting place for M4 work.

estherau ( ) posted Fri, 27 January 2012 at 11:23 PM

oh that was clever!


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

hborre ( ) posted Sat, 28 January 2012 at 8:20 AM

Didn't Vestmann post a render how M4 looks with V4 WM?  It looked good except for the elbows.

hborre ( ) posted Sat, 28 January 2012 at 7:05 PM


I got an opportunity to convert clothes and boots for WM V4 with excellent results.  I created a WM V4 with morph++ installed, then using Morphing Clothes, introduced the same morphs into an Aery Soul body suit I like use.  Followed the instructions posted by Vestmann.  And this is the result.  Morphs were applied to V4 to test the conformity of clothes to figure.

hborre ( ) posted Sat, 28 January 2012 at 7:06 PM


This one with the boots.

estherau ( ) posted Sat, 28 January 2012 at 7:28 PM

good work.  that's very promising.


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

hborre ( ) posted Sat, 28 January 2012 at 8:25 PM

It so nice to spin the dials and see the conforming clothes keep up with morphs.  Some poses do present pokethru's in some extreme cases, but using the clothing morphs in these cases, cleared everything right up.

I plan to play with some other morph packs and Morphing Clothes to see how far I can take this.

Eric Walters ( ) posted Sat, 28 January 2012 at 8:30 PM

 Hi LaurieA- as someone who has been back and forth with these issues on the beta- two things. The morphs not saving issue- is related to "External Binaries" ie, PMD files. That problem popped up for me with P2010- the consensus seems to be that it is buggy.

The clothes not saving joint zones- does seem to be a problem-albeit and easy one to compensate for-ie, by selecting your conformed clothing and recopying joint zones fromV4. The people who understand these issues better than me are working on it



Quote - You know, I've been hearing of joint setups not saving, morphed figures not saving...even after being saved to the library with Pro 2012. I must say it worries me a lot since I'm gonna be buying it soon...LOL. It's something that SM REALLY needs to fix. I hope they're working on it.


GeneralNutt ( ) posted Sat, 28 January 2012 at 10:49 PM

Quote -  

i tried running the V4 WM files against M4 and got better results than you might think. The4 main issues are at the hips and shoulders, of course, but the V4 weaight map might actually have some use as a starting place for M4 work.

Don't forget to change the joint centers. Yes I tried it on m4 a while ago and k4.

basicwiz ( ) posted Sat, 28 January 2012 at 11:06 PM

Quote - > Quote -  

i tried running the V4 WM files against M4 and got better results than you might think. The4 main issues are at the hips and shoulders, of course, but the V4 weaight map might actually have some use as a starting place for M4 work.

Don't forget to change the joint centers. Yes I tried it on m4 a while ago and k4.

How does one go about doing that?

hborre ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 6:51 AM

Not only the joint centers, but the bulges as well for the elbows and knees.

GeneralNutt ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 8:42 AM

Quote - > Quote - > Quote -  

i tried running the V4 WM files against M4 and got better results than you might think. The4 main issues are at the hips and shoulders, of course, but the V4 weaight map might actually have some use as a starting place for M4 work.

Don't forget to change the joint centers. Yes I tried it on m4 a while ago and k4.

How does one go about doing that?

You need the weight mapped version and the normal version in the scene at the same time. Then FIGURE>COPY JOINT ZONES FROM....

It's still not perfect, but it was never intended either.

paganeagle2001 ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 8:48 AM

20 poses plus mirrors for V4 WM.

Click to go to poses!!!!!!

Have fun.

All the best.


Who honors those we love for the very life we live?, Who sends monsters to kill us?, and at the same time sings that we will never die., Who teaches us whats real?, and how to laugh at lies?, Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?, Who chains us?, and Who holds the key that can set us free... It's You!, You have all the weapons you need., Now Fight!

fonpaolo ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 10:49 AM

A quick question about V4 weight mapped, there's someone who has already tried to use conforming hair with her?

Do we have to convert them as with clothings?

hborre ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 10:54 AM

I have had no problems with conforming hair yet.

basicwiz ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 10:57 AM

Everything I've tried so far has worked. No workarounds needed.

GeneralNutt ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 10:58 AM

Quote - A quick question about V4 weight mapped, there's someone who has already tried to use conforming hair with her?

Do we have to convert them as with clothings?

I have found with some conforming hair, you don't need to do anything at all it just works. For some "copy joint zones" does the trick. I have ran into some that neither of those things helped, and more complicated solution maybe needed. Though most of the hairs I tried fit into the first two options.

fonpaolo ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 11:11 AM

Many thanks, I have to try to copy joints.

I don't have much time but for now a lot of my conforming hair have the same problem, when I load them, they are in the right position, when I conform them, they move forward...

The hr2 are working with no problem.

Kalypso ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 11:20 AM
Site Admin

Any conforming hair I used needed to be adjusted.   If you must conform then do the copy joints thing but I rarely conform hair as it is, I just parent it.

hornet3d ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 11:36 AM

Quote - Any conforming hair I used needed to be adjusted.   If you must conform then do the copy joints thing but I rarely conform hair as it is, I just parent it.


The only hair I have had a problem with so far is Salon hair (on of my favorites) which showed some strange bends on the longer parts, this may be because I have changed the height of the character. If the full height V4 is around six foot my character is 5 foot.  I must admit I did not try the copy joints but instead did a parent instead of a conform and all was fine.


On the wider issue I have been trying for ages to modify V4 to create this 5 foot height and have a pear shape figure (small chest  but bigger hips) and still bend properly.  A day or so with V4 WM has convinced me this is going to be much eaisier to achieve.



I use Poser 13 on Windows 11 - For Scene set up I use a Geekcom A5 -  Ryzen 9 5900HX, with 64 gig ram and 3 TB  storage, mini PC with final rendering done on normal sized desktop using an AMD Ryzen Threadipper 1950X CPU, Corsair Hydro H100i CPU cooler, 3XS EVGA GTX 1080i SC with 11g Ram, 4 X 16gig Corsair DDR4 Ram and a Corsair RM 100 PSU .   The desktop is in a remote location with rendering done via Queue Manager which gives me a clearer desktop and quieter computer room.

fonpaolo ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 11:53 AM

The copy joints has worked.

I haven't had any problem with scaled figures and I have always conformed the hair, a little bit of tweaking is needed, but that's not a big problem.

Amigo968 ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 12:58 PM

Hey together,

how do I copy the joints? Is there somewhere a Tut about this?


GeneralNutt ( ) posted Sun, 29 January 2012 at 1:09 PM


> Quote - Hey together, > > how do I copy the joints? Is there somewhere a Tut about this? > > Thanks 

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