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October 2009 Artist of the Month - SusiQ

Oct 01, 2009 at 12:00 am by Store Staff

File3057.jpgEach month the Renderosity community votes on The Renderosity Artist Of The Month [AOM] ... October's AOM is SusiQ!

We congratulate SusiQ for an outstanding collection of works in the Writers Gallery!

Who is "SusiQ"?

In one short descriptive sentence, I'm a crazy 'almost 40something' single working mum of two teenagers and who constantly hears voices in my head from characters that want to get their stories told. LoL.

I live in the beautiful Hibiscus Coast of Southern KwaZulu Natal, Margate, South Africa. This place inspires artists of all genres to let their hair down and create what ever is in the hearts and head. Sure, the crime may be tough and the work scarce but when you look at all of God's glorious creations around you, you just feel the peace and wonder seep into your very soul. Writing flows throughout the generations of my family. My late maternal grandmother was a published poet and my mother has always had ink for blood although she didn't pursue the goal of published works. I grew up sitting next to my mother, dictionery in one hand and a thesaurus in the other, spending long hours perusing words for crosswords together. And yes, my daughter has also inherited our love for the English language. In school I had a short little dynamic and inspirational English teacher. She taught me to stand firm and overcome my fear of wobbly kneed public speaking and so started my path of poetry writing and sharing.

How long have you been writing?

I have pages and pages of handwritten stories from my first years of high school filed away. So I started writing short stories from around 13 and got into poetry at around 16 (thanks to Mrs Terry Lloyd). From there writing became as natural as breathing.

The Painting

What are you currently working on?

At the moment I am working on raising my two hellion teenagers who leave me little time to write. But on the odd occasion when I can steal time away from them and when my PC decides to co-operate with me I have a 'work in progress' on the slow burner. A snippet can be seen in my gallery "Work In Progress".

Of course there is always a spontaneous poem that bubbles out from time to time - especially when I see the artwork here by the amazing Renderosity members. Another thing I am working on is the framework for this year's NaNoWriMo (National November Writers Month) if I can manage to go on strike as a mother for a month. It is a 50,000 word story to be written in 30 days (during November). We cannot start the story or write anything that we will be using in the story, but a good idea of what you intend writing about or rather storyline, is very important to keep writers block away.

What do you think your best piece of work is and why?

My favourite is the trilogy of Humor of Teenage thinking. This was really fun to write and so close to home. Trying to fit myself in my son's size 12 shoes was a challenging quest. My most successful piece of writing was the poem that was published in a recent Christian Poetry Anthology in South Africa. That was the 'cherry on the cake'.

Humor of the Teenage
Thinking - Part 1

Who/what inspires you?

Life inspires me. To be part of an amazing group of writers in the RenderWriters gallery is inspiration itself. You just have to read some of those real works of art and you are inspired! Living among interesting people and family, in this damaged yet still beautiful world, calls to be poured out in words on paper (or screen). It can be a tatty plastic bag floating on the wind or a digital photo posted in a gallery. A pure icy raindrop splattering on my goosefleshed skin, a funny comment from a highspeed speech of my daughter, the constant caressing of the ocean on the beach. You name it - it all has potential to inspire. You just need to open your perspective a little and let life guide your pen, paintbrush or shutterspeed. Even troubles you go through can be used to inspire!(Link)

How has this online community (Renderosity) enhanced your work, relationships, and learning?

Renderosity is fantastic for developing and sustaining your talent. I have made friends from all over the world, can get amazing advice and can build up my confidence in what I do. Without people like Tallpockets, Leanndra, DennisReid, Warblade, Drace68, Rgus and Meico, (too many wonderful people to mention them all here!) I would not have had the confidence to submit my work for publication. Any queries I have and that I post, I can be certain of receiving helpful and honest advice.

Torment of a writer

Do you have any comments or advice for other writers/artists?

Absolutely! Open yourself up to experience life. Don't be afraid to experiment in the talent God has given you. And most of all don't let yourself become isolated. Build a group of amazing friends who can inspire and support you through both the tough times and good. When you are lost and don't know what to write about, ask someone to challenge you. Persist in what you do and at the end you'll be able to stand back and sigh with contentment.

Thank you all for the great honour of being October's Writer Artist of the month. Hugs and live life large!

We invite you to have a further look at SusiQ's Renderosity Gallery!

Be sure to also visit:

**Have a tutorial, animation, demo reel, or MarketPlace product to demo and share with the community? Consider posting your clips to Renderosity's newly revamped Video Center!**

All supporting images are copyright, and cannot be
copied, printed, or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the artist.

Artist of the Month is highlighting a talented Renderosity artist that has been nominated by mods and admins, and voted by the community. Recognition is given to this member for their collection of works for that year.

Since we only select one AOM per month, it is not about their works for that particular month. Instead, it is about highlighting a talented artist's works for that year, and they are recognized during that month.

To learn more about Renderosity's Artist Of The Month [AOM] award, and to view our past AOM's, please visit the AOM page, which can also be found on the sidebar under Highlights.

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