Tue, Feb 18, 4:05 AM CST

The other side of shadows...

Photography Cultural and Spiritual Art posted on May 27, 2005
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As I was working on this shot taken in a park last week, I was listening to an interview. This lady well known here in Quebec has revealed all about her horrible childhood lost in sexual abuse, manipulation and control from a man that was supposed to act as a father and mentor to her. Her child life has been lived in suffering..fear, Shame, lonelyness, and despear...Now that she has gone through the most difficult part, wich is to denounce as she foundthe courage to reveal it and get help from justice, she said that she has hope and she can see the light on her road...the hope to be able to live a better life...and as she will never forget...she will devote herself in help and prevention for children abuse! I saw lithting in her eyes..wich made me think that she finally found a light breaking through all these dark shadows, to reach her innerpeace! This is a glade on the road as there is a glade for the soul on the way to emerge from the shadow! May all of the children, living actually this hell,never be alone without help and find the light of hope..And god..may humans be healed of their sickness as to ceased to create children suffering! If one child abuser read that post...as there is a lot of them...get help man...and fast...you cannot made such suffering and escape it...It is always time to stop and do a first step towards being back a human being! Thank you for viewing!

Comments (18)


3:26AM | Fri, 27 May 2005

So beautiful painterly ... The story ....so sad, you're right, cann't add anything!


3:44AM | Fri, 27 May 2005

lovely image... draws one in, has an illustrative look... don't see the story in your shot but it is hopeful if your story should help someone :]


4:22AM | Fri, 27 May 2005

the photography is nice and the painting's effect too. it's an excellent work. have a good day



4:29AM | Fri, 27 May 2005

fantastic and moody shot! sad story



4:30AM | Fri, 27 May 2005

Yay, and again...i can comment, LOL. Im glad you appriciate me keeping an eye on you, lol. I love this photo as i already mentioned in my IM, it has that Nicole-touch to it that i find so peaceful. Great job once again! Have a lovely weekend #:o)


5:41AM | Fri, 27 May 2005

I love the light and shadows in this and it has a peaceful mood to it.



8:03AM | Fri, 27 May 2005

Mystical image. The painterly effect works so very well in this!



9:13AM | Fri, 27 May 2005

excellent work!!!!


9:37AM | Fri, 27 May 2005

wow, gorgeous view and lovely place to be....


11:13AM | Fri, 27 May 2005

A breathtaking photographic work!!! Perfect light and shadow.



3:45AM | Sat, 28 May 2005

This is an excellent composition.So very impressed!!!!!Touching story



4:12PM | Sat, 28 May 2005

A charming little grove...


8:54PM | Sat, 28 May 2005

like out of a storybook. a most beautiful scene. vote #:O)


1:42AM | Tue, 31 May 2005

After my Series on 'Family Secrets' and in particulkar child abuse, I have seen in the replies and messages, that there has been way too much of it. Having been a victim and knowing all to well the pain that one carries for the rest of their life, I would not even wish this abuse or any abuse, not even onto my enemies (not that I have any enemies). Lovely photograph and so very peaceful.


10:16PM | Wed, 01 June 2005

i just cry silent tears here. i see your image as one of hope. for many of us, it takes decades to find our way out of the darkness, out of the shadows, and into the light. there is hope. your image and words are quite touching.


2:59PM | Thu, 09 June 2005

OUPSSSSSSS j avais rate celle la ....une petite merveille!!!!!!!!!!



1:28PM | Fri, 10 June 2005

Bravo sincement, tres belle composition, style tres expressif, thanks for your pic



1:52PM | Fri, 10 June 2005

may you find your path...may you find your lignt..may you find healing ...

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